In the mean time, Turkish lira, stocks fall, Central Bank defiant

The Turkish Lira broke records and stock market tumbled during a live interview with the Central Bank governor   Lira, stock market plunges to record lows amid Turkish Central Bank governor?s interview The Turkish lira freshened records and stock market tumbled during Erdem Başçı’s live interview   We will be ineligible in 2015 election, says … Read more

Lambda İstanbul ve Açık Demokrasi Projesi SosyalKafa’nın konuğuydu…

25 Haziran 2013. LGBT Dayanışma Derneği Lambda İstanbul‘dan Elif Avcı Onur Yürüyüşü’nden ve Gezi Direnişinde aldıkları rolden bahsediyor. (@lambda_istanbul). Sami Can Tandoğdu ile hem Açık Demokrasi projesini konuştuk hem de benzer araçları tartıştık. Seçil Altınışık da konuk sunucu olarak katıldı.

A presentation: How LinkedIn is Transforming Businesses

How LinkedIn is Transforming Businesses from LinkedIn   A  visual story of how LinkedIn is transforming how companies hire, market and sell. Learn more below – Talent Solutions: Marketing Solutions: Sales Solutions: Designed by Brett Wallace of Why is LinkedIn So Cool? fame: