An animation on Occupy Gezi: TORNISTAN / BACKWARD RUN

TORNISTAN / BACKWARD RUN from AYCE KARTAL on Vimeo.   A self-censored film which was criticizing press censorship on Gezi Park protests. Year: July 2013 This digital hand drawn animated short film has been urgently completed in 18 days ( after the Gezi Park protests which was happened in Turkey between May-June 2013 ) for … Read more

Nov, 11 was the National Metal Day!

Erkan collects metal related news in another blog: musicadiabolus 25 Songs to Thrash to on National Metal Day While there’s a time and place for moving ballads and soothing soft rock, sometimes you just need to thrash like a maniac to blister-inducing guitar shredding Today is that day. In honor of National Metal Day   New Study Says … Read more

Two SF losses recently… RIP, Richard Matheson & Parke Godwin

RIP, Richard Matheson, 1926-2013 I’m sorry to have to report that Richard Matheson, author of such horror and science fiction classics as I Am Legend and What Dreams May Come, has died at the age of 87. According to his daughter, he died at home, peacefully, surrounded by loved ones. Our condolences to his friends … Read more

Occupiers explain why they damaged the billboard… #OccupyTurkey [English subtitles]

Direnen Ankara öğrencilerinin provokatörler ve marjinal gruplar eşliğinde hazırladığı Dış Mihrak destekli video çalışmasıdır. “Bu panoyu ben kırdım!”   A few more videos from 18 June 2013 Police violence in Ankara: 37.00 dan itibaren toma nın gelişi ve insanların etrafının sarılışı 1 dakikalık devamı Kuğulu’ya ulaşan kameramanın olayı özeti Geride kalıp dayak … Read more