Dear @Mashable There is nothing surprising about Erdoğan’s stand on Özgecan murder…

This is in reaction to Mashable headline linked below. The Mashable author is surprised that Erdoğan was critical of violence against women but when you deconstruct his arguments, one can see that he is one of the most vocal critic of modern women rights. Erdoğan was critical of rape and murder of Özgecan Aslan but during the same period … Read more

EFD Rights Watch: Turkey mass-convicted by ECHR…

ECHR Convicts Turkey Under 3 Different Charges  Bianet :: English In 3 different cases, the European Court of Human Rights convicted Turkey of torture, ill-treatment and long term imprisonment, ordering the Turkish state to pay a sum of 30,900 euros as damages. Euro court fines Turkey 58,000 euros in five separate cases The European Court of Human … Read more