Eurosphere agenda: After #Brexit A roundup…

The World Changed Overnight  OPEN ANTHROPOLOGY by Maximilian Forte The European Union is now to be written as a postscript. Thanks to British voters, who were given an extremely rare chance to have a say on one of the biggest issues affecting their lives, who were allowed a rare vote on the fate of globalization and … Read more

Eurosphere agenda: EU referendum under downpours and flooding…

Stoical Londoners battle downpours and flooding to vote in the EU referendum Mashable! by Gianluca Mezzofiore Downpours and thunderstorms greeted British voters in southeast England on the day they cast their votes in the historic referendum on the UK’s membership in the European Union. Brexit: all bad options open Democracy News Analysis – by Fernando Betancor From … Read more

Eurosphere agenda: “Interactive map: 15 years of European migrant deaths…”Murder overshadows Brexit referendum campaign…

Interactive map: 15 years of European migrant deaths  Boing Boing by Andrea James Austrian designer Moriz Büsing created this grim interactive map of migrant and refugee deaths on the way to Europe, or trying to stay in Europe; over 32,000 deaths in 15 years Europe migrant crisis: Charity rejects EU funds over migration policy  BBC News | … Read more