Anthropology agenda: A new site “Sapiens” (@sapiens_org) by The Wenner-Gren Foundation… “Best Cultural Anthropology Dissertations 2015…

Dear Colleague, Chances are you’ve heard about SAPIENS, our new initiative to bring cutting-edge anthropological research to a broader public audience. Throughout its development, we’ve thought of SAPIENS as building on the tradition of Sol Tax andCurrent Anthropology. But whereas that journal’s launch marked a new era in scholarly communication, SAPIENS will provide a new … Read more

Journalism roundup: Spain’s “Ancillary Copyright” Law leads to closure of Google News in Spain…

Google News abandons Spain in paid content row Spain’s government Thursday defied Google’s vow to shut down its Spanish online news service in protest at being made to pay for content, in its latest legal clash in Europe. Google News to shut down in Spain following new copyright law  The Next Web by Owen Williams A new … Read more