Anthropology roundup: #AAA2016 = Open Access Strikes Back… “Would Margaret Mead tweet?…

ArXiv for anthropology: @SocArXiv + #AAA2016 = Open Access Strikes Back  Savage Minds: Notes and Queries in Anthropology Cliffs Notes version of this post: @SocArXiv is a Green Open Access digital repository that is currently being developed for the social sciences. I think this is a good thing. Let’s talk Open Access and publishing at #AAA2016. … Read more

Cyberculture agenda: Google Program to Deradicalize Jihadis then to be used for Right-Wing American Extremists…Twitter Emojis for 2016 Paralympic Games

Google Program to Deradicalize Jihadis Will Be Used for Right-Wing American Extremists Next  The Intercept by Naomi LaChance A Google-incubated program that has been targeting potential ISIS members with deradicalizing content will soon be used to target violent right-wing extremists in North America, a designer of the program said at an event at the Brookings Institution … Read more

Journalism agenda: “5 ways fake news websites are evolving….

5 ways fake news websites are evolving First Draft News by Craig Silverman It’s typically been fairly easy to describe what fake news websites are, and how they work: These sites publish stories that look and read like real news articles but are completely fake. They exist in order to earn money from ads. That description … Read more