The DIY Feminist Guide to Cybersecurity, available in Spanish and English, is designed to be a quickstart for “gendered, racialized, queerphobic, transphobic, ableist, and classist” threats to digital autonomy, created because “companies and developers frequently ignore or underestimate the digital threats to these spaces and their users.”
We often focus on the negative or positive impacts of algorithms. But is this a distraction from how power is actually deployed through them?
‘Fake news’ sites. Raphael Satter/AP/Press Association Images. All rights reserved.Over the last few months, discussion of ‘post-truth’ has been everywhere. Questions about the status of truth and fact in political debate have acquired a pre-eminence in commentaries on the complex political developments of 2016. These stories vary, but they share an understandable concern with the consequences of a misinformed electorate. Which, of course, are far-reaching.

This year was a busy one for security and hackers. We expect more of the same in 2017, with a few new twists.
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