Romania should be the ideal playground for right-populist parties, but in its recent election it was the Social Democrats who left everyone else in the dust

The Eurozone — “flawed at birth” — is failing its member states. As paper money declines in importance, it must embrace the digital revolution.
Fundamental political questions about the character and outlook of a post-Brexit Britain need to be answered before we worry about the specificities of economic sectors and trade relationships.
The EU’s chief Brexit negotiator, Michel Barnier. Virginia Mayo/Press Association. All rights reserved.
The UK that woke up on the morning of 24 June was, first and foremost, a divided one. While the ‘Brexiteers’ celebrated their narrow victory that came so unexpected for many (including, in some notable instances, themselves), the Remainers began to lick their wounds. How, Remainers asked, could it be possible that a majority votes for Brexit even though all rational arguments pointed in the direction of a remain victory?
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