In the mean time in Europe: “Costume drama”

Costume drama

The BBC’s Pakistan correspondent asks why some object to seeing women in burkinis on the beach.
German minister proposes partial Burqa ban

Interior minister says ban on face veils would apply to “places where it is necessary for society’s coexistence”.

While most people watch the Olympics to watch actual Olympians, others are here to simply marvel at the spectators.

A new party for Ukraine’s euro-optimists?

If it is to succeed in a turbulent political environment, the ambitious DemAlliance project must overcome Ukraine’s tradition of centering political movements on personalities rather than ideologies.

A public talk held by DemAlliance in Kyiv this summer, with Vasyl Hatsko (left), Yevheniya Kuleba (centre left), Viktor Chumak (centre right) and Serhiy Leshchenko (far right). Image: DemAlliance.Ukraine has never been a land for liberals. In 25 years of independence, the country’s liberal, European integrationists have never had a legitimate political party to represent them. Numerous parties claiming to do so have operated as fronts for oligarchic interests or been too weak to affect national politics.

The migrant camps of Chios: Greece’s ongoing refugee crisis

There are three refugee camps on the Greek island of Chios. Your quality of life depends a great deal on where you’ve been placed, and where you’ve been placed is mostly down to luck.

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