Hagia Sophia again for domestic constituencies As retreating fast in Foreign Policy ambitions..

 First call to prayer inside Istanbul’s Hagia Sophia in 85 years

A muezzin’s call to prayer reverberated inside the 6th century Istanbul landmark Hagia Sophia for the first time in 85 years on July 1.
In fact, the first call to prayer happened before:

How Erdogan’s Turkey Is Changing From Conservative Democracy to One-Man Rule

Dynamic and yet conservative, increasingly turning to the East and yet still attracted by the European option, fascinated by presidentialism but not by the Iranian totalitarian model, Turkish society – and its leadership – escapes all Western categories for which it remains a complex puzzle. Reset discussed the matter with Valeria Giannotta, a professor of International Relations at the University of the Turkish Aeronautical Association in Ankara, while attending the conference entitled “Betting on Iran”, organised by CIPMO (Italian Centre for Peace in the Middle East) in Milan, Italy.

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