In the conference where Etienne Balibar, Christian Laval and Vincent Duclert have taken place as speakers, importance of international support, in particular from France has been emphasized.

212 academics of whom 72 are professors have declared their support for their colleagues signing peace declaration.
Detaining university teachers through anti-terror police raids, just for signing a petition that does not even directly praise violence, is nothing short of Orwellian

British Ambassador to Turkey Richard Moore expresses concern over the investigation carried out against academics who issued a declaration on ongoing operations in the Southeast

Academics including lecturers dismissed from their positions at the university based upon the post-September 12 Coup Martial Law No. 1402, have launched a solidarity campaign with their colleagues.

Over 500 journalists including Can Dündar and Erdem Gül have supported the academics being targeted and prosecuted for releasing a declaration calling for peace and resume of negotiations.

HDP has supported the declaration of the Academics for Peace, noted that the practices against the academics were unlawful and stated that the suspensions and custodies should be put an end to.

Theater Workers for Peace has said, “We include our voice with all our heart and conscience in peace call of academics for negotiation and peace”.

Turkish police have detained at least 18 academics who signed a petition calling for an end to military operations in southeastern Anatolia

Film-Makers for Peace have declared that they stand with academics calling for peace and negotiations to resume and that they support their call.

As many as 2,000 legists have declared that they are in solidarity with academics signing the petition calling on state of Turkey to end violence and prepare negotiation conditions.

Ankara accused of violating academic freedom by detaining 27 signatories of petition calling for end to ‘massacre’ of Kurdish people
Chomsky hits back at Erdoğan, accusing him of double standards on terrorism

US academic says Turkish president – who has condemned leftwing critics for ignorance – has been aiding Isis, which he blamed for bomb attack on Istanbul
Turkey’s democracy limited to ballot box, Nobel laureate Pamuksays
Nobel laureate and author Orhan Pamuk has criticized recent investigations into academics and the detention of some of them after they called on the .

Academics for Peace have announced that they stand by the signees and their signatures on the declaration “We will not be a party to this crime”. They have re-expressed their demands for peace and have announced that they would launch the judicial process against the defamations and the threats.

Association of Psychologists for Social Solidarity has said, “We declare that we oppose threats and oppressions, and support ‘peace and negotiation’ call by Academics for Peace Initiative”.

Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu has slammed hundreds of academics and intellectuals who called on Ankara to end military operations in southeast Turkey, urging them to condemn acts of the outlawed PKK instead

A probe has been launched into public threats against the signatories of a petition calling on the Turkish government to end security operations in the country’s southeast upon complaints by lawyers

Investigation warrant has been issued for 21 academics from Kocaeli University who have signed the declaration titled ‘We will not be a party to this crime’, 12 of them have been taken under custody.

At least 18 academics in Turkey are held for denouncing military operations against Kurdish rebels, with 15 later released, reports say.

Turkish Science, Industry and Technology Minister Fikri Işık admitted that the investigation into the murder of Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink had been delayed, and blamed the “parallel state” for the delay
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