Numan Kurtulmuş, the deputy prime minister of Turkey, confirms on Friday that the country’s military shot down an unidentified aircraft after it violated Turkish airspace. Kurtulmuş says the aircraft, reported to be a drone, was given several warnings which went unheeded prior to the armed forces taking action near the Syrian border. The unmanned aircraft is said to be of a similar size and shape to those used by Russia for surveillance

Two important elements in the prevalence of conspiracy rhetoric is secrecy and political insecurities in Turkish politics.
Bust of Ziya Gökalp, founding father of Turkish sociology, Diyarbakir. Wikicommons/Cemaliamec.Some rights reserved.Conspiracy theories proliferate about many significant events ranging from global warming to assassinations and influence public opinion. For example, the conspiratorial perspective on Jews constitutes the backbone of anti-Semitic ideology. Conspiracy theories have not attracted sufficient attention, basically because a strong intellectual current sees conspiracy theories as deluded accounts that divert people’s attention from the reality.

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