Cyberculture agenda: “Berkman Center Launches New Internet Data Dashboard


Dashboard debuts at World Economic Forum meeting in Geneva


The Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University is pleased to announce the launch of the Internet Monitor dashboard, a freely accessible tool that aims to improve information for policymakers, researchers, advocates, and user communities working to shape the future of the Internet by helping them understand trends in Internet health and activity through data analysis and visualization.

Facebook initially planned to connect the world by producing its own satellites, but it might be tacking a different tack now. According to The Telegraph, a new agreement between Facebook and Eutelsat due to start in late 2016 will deliver free internet in Africa via an existing satellite.
Twitter names Jack Dorsey as permanent CEO

Jack Dorsey
Twitter has finally announced it’s full time CEO. Surprise! It’s Jack Dorsey. Dorsey, who is one of Twitter’s co-founders returned to the company as interim chief after Dick Costolo stepped down from the role in June. The move comes after months of rumors that Dorsey would stay on as CEO of both Twitter and Square.
Hacking Wireless Printers With Phones on Drones

Researchers have demonstrated how attackers using a drone plus a mobile phone could intercept documents sent to a Wi-Fi printer.


It’s a match made in Facebook heaven.

New Report Shows How Many Teens are Flirting Online

Parents of teenagers cringe when they think about their kids’ online safety, especially as new websites and social channels like Yik Yak sprout up. The days of kids and teens playing outside and taking a break from technology are over, especially when you consider the fact that an astonishing 53% of kids get cell phones when they’re just six years old, according to a study by vouchercloud. The fact that parents are buying their kids cell phones that early is a huge cause for concern in itself, but what’s more important is the data that says that kids are using their phones for another reason: Flirting.
This Might Be the First Craigslist Ad to Win a Pulitzer

Rain, a ballgown, and the world’s most heartbreaking Missed Connection from 1972.

Censorship vs. Activism on Social Media

gottfridGottfrid Svartholm, also known as Anakata, was a founding member of The Pirate Bay and played a key role during the site’s early years.

He has spent the last three years in prisons in Sweden and Denmark, for a variety of offenses. Last month his prison time in Denmark ended and after serving a final month in Sweden he is now a free man.

At this time Gottfrid and his family prefer not to make any public statements, which is understandable considering all that’s happened, but his mother just confirmed the good news.

All Good Logos Are Modernist Logos, Really

All Good Logos Are Modernist Logos, Really

A new book of 6,000 different logos shows that in graphic design, Modernism is still alive.

Hackers Release Data of 2.3 Million Patreon Users

The popular crowdfunding website Patreon became the latest casualty in a string of large-scale data breaches, as hackers released 2.3 million users’ personal information on Thursday.

Included in the data dump: 15 gigabytes worth of usernames, email addresses and shipping addresses, among other information. The hackers released the data shortly after Patreon CEO Jack Conte announced Wednesday night that there had been an unauthorized access into the company’s database and apologized for the breach.

Conte wrote on Patreon’s company blog that no credit-card numbers, security-card numbers or tax forms were compromised, as they are not stored on Patreon’s servers.

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