Meet Turkey’s new environmental rebel(s): Havva Ana #YesilYolaDurDe

A controversial and obviously destructive Black Sea project led by a businessman close to Erdoğan’s circles triggered local resistance. Many elder women were at the front yesterday, and today we got the good news that the project is halted for the moment…
Here is what Turkish military police doing to an elder local woman:
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in other news:

Or shows someone’s inferiority complex:

The huge and controversial new presidential palace in Ankara, which hit international headlines with its 1,150 rooms at its inauguration, is a sign of “Turkey’s greatness,” President Erdoğan has said
Amnesty: Turkish police used ‘excessive force’ in Kobane protests

…d Turkish security forces of using excessive force to police major street protests which erupted in Turkey’s southeast last yea
Report reveals plight of Yazidi refugees in Turkey

…ing plight of some 30,000 Yazidi (also known as Ezidi) refugees who have fled from northern Iraq to Turkey after surrounded by brutality of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), with facts and findings exposing the absence of a “durable solution” for them in Turke
Police officers who share private information and documents gathered on duty with third parties online or via press will be dismissed, according to a new amendment for police departments in Turkey
An investigation has been launched into a street march held by police officers who reportedly chanted discriminating slogans following an operation in which hundreds of anti-riot police officers raided several Roma neighborhoods in the northwestern province of Edirne.
According to bianet’s tally, men killed 21 women, raped 9 women and teenager girls and injured 25 women in June. 12% of women who exposed to violence were seriously injured with lethal weapons due to divorce claim or legal separation.
From Gezi Park to Turkey’s transformed political landscape

The sociological transformation made manifest in these election results will continue to profoundly affect the political sphere in Turkey for the foreseeable future.

open Movements
The openMovements series invites leading social scientists to share their research results and perspectives on contemporary social struggles.


President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan should cease his delaying tactics and provide a mandate to form a government, according to Republican People’s Party (CHP) leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu
Woman whose privacy was violated will be paid damages for mental anguish by Social Security Institution.
BirGün Newspaper’s Editor-in-Chief Barış İnce was fined 7 thousand 500 Turkish liras for allegedly insulting the President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.
A Turkish Islamist group has pinned posters to walls and posts in the capital Ankara threatening gays with death
Speaking one month after the June 7 election, Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş said President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s delay in giving the mandate to form a government after such a long time had passed was “not normal.”
The veil of mystery is being lifted from Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) terrorist Orhan Gönder, who planted a bomb at a Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) rally in Diyarbakır before the June 7 election, causing four deaths. Daily Hürriyet columnist Mehmet Y. Yılmaz writes

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