You can once again submit secrets to WikiLeaks anonymously, without worrying that some network spy — or even a WikiLeaks staffer — will reveal your identity. The site announced today that, after several years, it has now launched a beta version its leak submission system running on Tor, the anonymity software.
Wikileaks’ Julian Assange, stuck in the Ecuadorean embassy to avoid extradition to Sweden to face accusations of sex crimes, said he was “disappointed” after the country’s supreme court decided not to drop the detention order.

Over the last few months Apple has heavily invested in China and it’s starting to hurt Samsung. Those efforts are paying off, with China passing the US to become the biggest iPhone market in April this year.

Jerry Cao is a UX content strategist at UXPin — the wireframing and prototyping app. To learn more about how to create visually digestible interfaces, download the free e-book Web UI Design for the Human Eye: Colors, Space, Contrast. Visual hierarchy is the difference between a site that strategically influences user flow and decisions, and a site that just “looks nice.”
When we re-launched Surveillance Self-Defense (SSD) last year to tackle the growing threat of online spying, we knew our greatest challenge was reaching everyone who urgently needed its advice. Technical knowledge about what to do, and what not to do, to protect your privacy online, is only truly useful if it can be understood by those who need that information the most.
The creation dates of Twitter accounts in Lawrence Alexander’s ‘bot’ sample provide ample evidence of automation. Images mixed by Tetyana Lokot.

Twitter’s Q1 result is in and it’s not all roses, at least in terms of user growth. In Q1 2015, Twitter’s monthly active users jumped to 302 million, up from 288 million in Q4 2014. Twitter touts that as an increase of 18 percent year-over-year, but that’s only an increase of 14 million in three months. Here’s the good news: Twitter is still growing. The bad? It’s still not growing that fast. To be fair, it’s a sizably better result than the previous quarter, where the company only grew monthly active users from 284 million to 288 million, but many…

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Regardless of the release of vault 7, one tiny oversight will never be found. Purchasing the iphone 5, most probably the worst phone ever built, disappeared, ever wonder why. I had accidentally found a flaw in the entire system, that could never be patched, used across carriers and all brand new phone release dates. I talked to a girl in corporate and lest she ruin her life, I left a few steps out to prevent her from losing her job and career. The 5 was replaced shortly after that. What no one knows, it wasn’t the phone, it is a deep rooted flaw in the whole world wide system. Not illegal, half’s the price of the carrier cost, unlocks and allows it to be used on the 25$ unlimited plan with no caps anywhere. I would love to release it on the new apple day of the anniversary all glass, no bevel phone but I won’t. It would destroy Apple and millions of people’s jobs. That’s the crux. The answer is in this note but no one will see it. It is legal, period.