What happened in the UK’s election by someone whose prediction was more right than wrong
On Thursday May 7, 2015 Britain went to the polls at what was universally – entirely wrongly – believed to be the closest General Election in two generations. The opinion polls were deadlocked, and had been for months in a choice that was by far the most stark since 1992. It wasn’t, contrary to what 99.99% of people assumed, a close election – but it was certainly a watershed.

The Conservatives have won. Now Britain’s own union and its EU membership are under question

Using phrases more suited to tourist magazines and images of luxury yachts, smugglers based in Egypt and Turkey openly advertise services on social media
It reads like the website of a travel agency. “A trip to Italy next week in a big fast tourist yacht,” says the Facebook post beneath a picture of a luxury ocean liner. “Two floors, air-conditioned, prepared for tourists. Recommended for families.”
At 1600 CET today, First Vice President of the European Commission Frans Timmermans will do an online chat on Twitter and Facebook* – tag is #AskFrans. Transport Commissioner Violeta Bulc will do the same on Monday 27th April at 1400 CET – tag there is #ITS2015chat.
Following my earlier blog entry about Twitter chats I was confronted by a familiar charge – ah, Frans Timmermans is a Facebook guy. He doesn’t like Twitter. That’s the problem. There are probably some pretty good reasons he likes Facebook, and not Twitter, and I will come to those at the end of the post.
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