Goto’s mother said she could not find the words to describe her son’s ‘very sad death’ [Reuters]
Japan mourns as ISIL says journalist is beheaded

The BuzzFeed Editorial Standards And Ethics Guide
BuzzFeed – Shani O. Hilton – BuzzFeed has the opportunity to help shape a new set of standards for a new generation of media. We are offering these standards to our staffers and to our readers as a first attempt at articulating the goal of merging the best of traditional
A handful of Cambridge-area media institutions — including The Non-Fiction Cartel, StoryCode Boston, Harvard’s Bok Center, the MIT OpenDocLab, and theMIT Center for Civic Media — joined forces this weekend to host a hackathon called Datalore that focused on storytelling and data. Around 50 participants, each of whom applied to be there, split into eight teams for the three-day event. Each team worked with a data set supplied by one of their team members; the idea was to “brainstorm and prototype an interactive narrative experience that tells a story with data, around data, or about data.”

Andrew Sullivan is quitting blogging
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