Today, the 4chan’s founder Christopher Poole, better known as moot, announced he is retiring from the infamous web community. Today I announced my retirement from @4chan, a community I founded at the age of 15 and have served for 11.5 years: https://t.co/jEMsDf5nfz — moot (@moot) January 21, 2015 In a blog post, Poole states he’s decided to move on after serving as 4chan’s administrator for 11.5 years, having founded the community when he was 15. He has since remained the site’s sole administrator and decision maker, while keeping most of its institutional knowledge to himself. Since its inception, 4chan has seen…

Google‘s done it again.
Early this week, Microsoft was publicly displeased with Google for revealing a Windows security hole that would allow hackers to gain control of computer systems. Now Google’s Project Zero disclosed two more Microsoft bugs. That makes at least four disclosures against Microsoft in the last few weeks.
A new study has discovered that social media usage has fallen in Germany for the first time, and it’s Facebook and fears over loss of privacy that are being blamed.
68 percent of the German online population aged 14 or over were active on social media last year, reveals a report from Faktenkontor and Toluna, which is down from 75 percent in 2013.

The scene doesn’t include a keyboard. Or a computer mouse. But it shows why Michael Mann’s Blackhat may be the best hacker movie ever made. As the film approaches the end of its second act, a network engineer played by Chinese actress Tang Wei deliberately spills coffee on a stack of papers neatly stapled at […]
Barry Silbert, creator of the Bitcoin Trust, says it’s because there are “more sellers than buyers.” What will make it go back up? “More buyers than sellers.” [via]

There’s a new crop of apps intensifying competition among brick-and-mortar retailers by giving consumers a faster means of comparison and more advanced personalization. What this means is that businesses have to deal with the linear change of ever-increasing consumer options. One new app that’s particularly brutal for retailers is Find&Save. Once upon a time, Find&Save […]
Ready for What’s Next? Envision a Future Where Your Personal Information Is Digital Currency

Have you heard the credit card commercial that asks, “what’s in your wallet?” Before long, the answer is going to be “you.” As our digital footprint grows, I see personal information becoming a form of digital currency – something that an individual person owns, controls and uses in exchange for “personalized” goods and services. An […]

Redmonk’s programming language rankings for 2015 are out and show a huge growth in popularity for Apple’s new Swift development language. According to the results, Swift went from the 68th most popular language last quarter (when it launched) to the 22nd, a jump of 46 spots which is “unprecedented in the history of these rankings.” Swift was announced by Apple in June at its WWDC developer conference, making it less than a year old. The prominence of the language and huge developer interest indicates it’ll continue to be popular in 2015 and should eventually surpass Objective-C (which is likely what Apple always intended).…
Note: The bulk of the research in this post was compiled prior to Attorney General Eric Holder’s surprise announcement that he is curtailing the federal equitable sharing program. The post may be updated as further ramifications of the policy decision become clear.
Twitter’s \”buy\” button was officially announced in September of last year, andstarted to appear in the wild in November. So far, the button has been tied to small promotional items, such as free popcorn with a movie ticket, and hasn’t yet rolled out to all brands.
So when can you expect a bigger e-commerce push from Twitter?
Ori Carmel, marketing manager with Twitter, has been speaking at Mobile Marketer’s Mobile FirstLook: Strategy 2015 conference in New York, and offered one or two clues about Twitter’s plans.
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