Eurosphere agenda: Cover of new Charlie Hebdo issued… “More Surveillance Won’t Protect Free Speech

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BuzzFeed News ‏@BuzzFeedNews Prophet Muhammed Cover Of Next #CharlieHebdo Issue Unveiled …

France on Monday ordered 10,000 troops into the streets to protect sensitive sites after three days of bloodshed and terror, amid the hunt for accomplices to the attacks that left 17 people and the three gunmen dead.


Vox – Max Fisher – Jan 10, 8:30 AM – Since the terrorist attack on French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, the country’s Muslim community, despite universally and repeatedly condemning the attack, has come under a wave of misguided ‘reprisal’ attacks. The attacks are being mapped by…


Europe at War

Assisting Ukraine to defend itself against Russian aggression would have a stimulative effect not only on Ukraine, but also on Europe. That is why the EU ought to be even more committed to helping Ukraine than it is to imposing sanctions on Russia.

The EU governments got together on January 11th to condemn the attack on Charlie Hebdo.  However, they concluded that the best response is to curtail freespeech, ramp up propaganda, increase surveillance on citizens, and place a ban on the types of things Charlie Hebdo published.


The White House rarely admits a mistake, but on Monday White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest acknowledged — after much criticism — that the United States should have sent someone with a higher profile to the unity march in Paris on Sunday.

In the days since the siege at the Paris magazine Charlie Hebdo, the press and social media sites have been consumed with the possible answers to one question: Beyond the two shooters, Said and Cherif Kouachi, who is responsible for the attack that killed 12 media workers?

More Surveillance Won’t Protect Free Speech

Following a terrorist attack, it is not uncommon to hear calls from politicians and government officials for increased surveillance. Fear and grief can lead to quick “solutions” that have significant consequences; as wepointed out last week, some of the most far-reaching surveillance and law enforcement powers around the world were devised in the wake of tragedies.

Cartoons depicting Muhammad are unthinkable in Muslim countries. But there are plenty of homegrown satirists poking fun at reactionaries, autocrats and jihadis. Our writers in Egypt, Turkey, Syria, Pakistan, Iran, Lebanon and Iraq explain where the line is drawn


While most of Twitter watched the Golden Globes on Sunday night, Aziz Ansari was going after Rupert Murdoch.

Jewish schools tense after Paris attacks

Anxiety in Paris’ Jewish schools after attacks

 WorldViews: The free-speech hypocrisy in Paris
Salt Lake Tribune
Turkey, which was named the world’s biggest jailer of journalists in 2012 and 2013, ended 2014 by detaining a number of journalists (including Ekrem Dumanli, editor in chief of Zaman, a leading newspaper with links to the moderate Islamic Gulen
The free-speech hypocrisy of some world leaders marching in Paris

Je suis Charlie

Just one week into 2015 the world was rattled by multiple terrorist attacks. Although it was Paris that endured bloodshed, it was the sanctity of frJe suis Charlieeedom of expression that bore the red target on its back.  In an impressive show of solidarity, millions of people took to the streets across France to proclaim that they would not live in fear, and dozens of world leaders expressed their support for the victimized country. The media has been ablaze with commentary on the atrocious events and has lauded the French for their fraternité in the face of tragedy. But what will happen once the high emotions of the moment begin to dwindle while the underlying tensions persist (likely with increased vigor)?

VIDEO: Huge crowds at Dresden rally

Thousands of protesters have gathered in Dresden for an anti-Islamisation rally called in the wake of the Paris terror attacks.
france24.comJan 11, 8:45 AM – But Reporters Without Borders has highlighted how many of the heads of state and high-ranking ministers present on Sunday represent countries that themselves have highly questionable records when it comes to free speech, from the suppression of…
Reporters Without Borders – The 2014 index underscores the negative correlation between freedom of information and conflicts, both open conflicts and undeclared ones. In an unstable environment, the media become strategic goals and targets for groups or individuals whose – Kevin Rawlinson – Jan 11, 3:37 PM – Non-Muslims do not go to the British city of Birmingham, which has become a “totally Muslim” city, it has been claimed. Speaking on US news channel Fox News, Steven Emerson – who claims to be a “terrorism expert”
The murders this week are not attacks against French freedom of speech, a tradition which has its own dark history, but it is one of many attacks on freedom of speech everywhere. The journalists at Charlie Hebdo are no more or no less heroes than the Iraqi, Syrian, Tunisian, or Algerian journalists who have been killed.




LONDON — Prime Minister David Cameron met with intelligence and security chiefs at Downing Street on Monday morning to examine the risks of a Paris-style attack happening in the UK.

Video ‘of Paris suspect’ in Turkey

New CCTV footage appears to show Hayat Boumeddiene, the partner of the Paris supermarket attacker, passing through Turkey en route to Syria.
Who, what, why? Germany’s Pegida explained
German call to halt Pegida marches

Senior German politicians call for a halt to so-called anti-Islamisation rallies after the murders of 17 people in Paris by Islamist militants.

Immigration to Europe should be largely halted, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said late yesterday (11 January), demanding a robust EU response to last week’s killings in France.

2 million people arrived in Paris for the Marche Republicaine organized by the French government against the terrorism due to the double attack of Wednesday and Thursday. 17 people and 3 terrorists died. Photograph by Matteo Pellegrinuzzi. Copyright: Demotix
2 million people arrived in Paris for the Marche Republicaine organized by the French government against the terrorism due to the double attack of Wednesday and Thursday. 17 people and 3 terrorists died. Photograph by Matteo Pellegrinuzzi. Copyright: Demotix
Anti-Islam protests rattle Germany’s largest migrant group
Why al Qaeda in Yemen Attacked Paris

The bloodshed in the Paris offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo was a startling reminder of al Qaeda’s ambitions, capabilities, and ruthlessness. And whether or not the attack was planned as a marketing device to help al Qaeda emerge from the expanding shadow of the Islamic State, it may be having that effect.
Italy’s immigration tensions explode

Economic malaise has been fuelling anti-immigrant sentiment across the country in recent months.
“Greece will neither want to leave the euro nor threaten to do so”

When the leader of a political party about to win government offers you the opportunity to implement policies you have been advocating for years, it is pure cowardice to shirk the task. An interview with a new Syriza candidate.


After the terrorist attacks in Paris almost four million people across France took to the streets on Sunday. Some 50 heads of state and government also participated in the funeral march in Paris. Commentators see this as a reaffirmation of democracy, but also warn that Europe’s society is marked by many rifts that may even be deepened by the “Je suis Charlie” slogan.


Opposition challenger Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic was elected Croatia’s first female president on Jan. 11, narrowly winning a tight run-off vote with a pledge to kickstart the EU country’s ailing economy.
Increased Internet surveillance and tighter border checks are “urgently” needed to foil jihadist attacks of the sort that rocked Paris this week, European, US and Canadian security ministers agreed
Pope Francis on Jan. 12 slammed “deviant forms of religion” following deadly attacks by Islamist militants in France last week which left 17 people dead.

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