An Air France pilots union threatened to continue striking indefinitely on Thursday, as the airline announced 60% of the day’s flights were canceled.
On the eve of the Scottish independence referendum, President Obama tweeted his hope that the UK will remains “strong, robust and united.”

Around four million inhabitants of Scotland will vote today, Thursday, on whether their country should become independent of the United Kingdom. According to the most recent surveys it will be a close run. Some commentators warn that a “yes” will only bring more instability for the Scots and the rest of Europe. Others praise the respectful and democratic decision process behind the referendum.
Scottish independence: Yes or no?
Al Jazeera asked people across Scotland what they think about the prospect of splitting from the United Kingdom.
Scotland’s referendum: The view from around the world
open Democracy News Analysis – by Mariam Ali and Daniel Kennedy
As residents of Scotland vote today on the future of their country, we take look at how countries around the world are talking about the referendum.
The latest polls indicate that today’s referendum on Scottish indepedence could go either way. As the United Kingdom faces the biggest constitutional change in living memory, the rest of the world has been watching the process with great interest. Here’s a look at some of the ways Scotland’s choice is being discussed around the world.
The breach of the social contract is devastating. And it’s not exclusive to Catalonia and its sovereignist process—it goes much further.
Whisky purveyors weigh in on Scotland vote
Spirits are high in Scotland’s ‘Whisky Capital of the World’ with one distillery thirsty for independence

Although female political representation across Europe has increased, this is happening at a very slow pace and the most influential leadership roles in the European Parliament remain dominated by men. This raises questions about the possible need to resort to stronger measures to improve female representation in the EU institutions, write Vilde Renman and Caroline Conroy.

What, then, of the idea of ‘core Europe’? Despite solemn invocations of common interests and joint challenges, cohesion, leadership and the political will to compromise are sorely lacking amongst member state governments.
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