#IGF2014 notes- Google Big Tree event with Vint Cerf and a panel afterwards #FHDel

I was a pleasure to see Mr. Cerf and he opened up with his adovacy for open internet. Unfortunately he later angered most of us by stating that “some countries need time for open internet” and he kind of whitewhashed internet censorship in Turkey. Google has a major business operation in Turkey and I assume as the vice president of Google, he was more interested in saving business interests in Turkey.
After the talk, there was a panel that included CHP Deputy Şafak Pavey. Her counterpart from AKP did not show up and we had a BTK bureacrat who happened to be my highschool classmate. Unfortunately, the bureacrat just recited what formally recited for a long time. All bans are because of judiciary decisions. Goverment has no interference (!) I wonder why corruption cases are not followed by the same logic. A member of the audience also stated that current internet laws are actually made by AKP. We had fun when three progressive female panelist grilled the man but of course it is also sad that Turkish government is so arrogant and has no manouvres regarding internet freedoms and open internet.
Vint Cerf, VP of Google, one of internet gods, at Google Big Tent event in Istanbul. Andrew Finkel, moderator. pic.twitter.com/vOeiCsgUqa
— Erkan Saka (@sakaerka) September 3, 2014
Cerf for open internet: no one had to ask permission to create something so far and so that much could be produced.
— Erkan Saka (@sakaerka) September 3, 2014
vint cerf mentioned darwin. in the end you have 2 choices. adapt or die. that's why i guess HE WHITEWASHED PRESSURE ON IN TURKEY minutes ago
— Erkan Saka (@sakaerka) September 3, 2014
para insanı bozuyor arkadaşlar. google'in pazar payı için az önce cerf'ün Türkiye yalamasını görmeliydiniz.
— Erkan Saka (@sakaerka) September 3, 2014
Şimdi big tent'te durum şu. BTK yetkilisi gelmedi. Yerine Vint Cerf btk adına konuştu. aynen öyle oldu. hayırlısı. #IGF2014
— Erkan Saka (@sakaerka) September 3, 2014
big tent: panelle devam ediyor. lise arkadaşım ömer sayan hükümet temsilcisi olarak internette yaptıkları duble yolları anlatıyor.
— Erkan Saka (@sakaerka) September 3, 2014
safak pavey: muadilim kactı yerine bürokrat göndermişler.
— Erkan Saka (@sakaerka) September 3, 2014
matematik hocalarının kötü davranması sonucu travma olmuş olabilir bazı hükümet temsilcilerinde. istatistik ondan.
— Erkan Saka (@sakaerka) September 3, 2014
btk temsilcisi kendini rezil ediyor. çoooğ eğlenceli. #bigtent #IGF2014 #FHdel
— Erkan Saka (@sakaerka) September 3, 2014
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