Federica Mogherini, the Italian foreign minister appointed to become the next EU foreign affairs chief, said in the European Parliament today (2 September) that Russia was no longer the EU’s “strategic partner”, referring to the phrase which describes the relationship between the Union and its largest neighbour in hundreds of official documents.

After the EU summit, the debate over further sanctions against Russia has intensified. In view of the Ukraine crisis the EU announced at the summit that it would work out additionalproposals for sanctions within a week. The domestic interests of several member states are still weakening the EU, some commentators write in annoyance. For others sanctions are simply a necessary show of symbolic policymaking.
Understanding that rampant nationalism is a thing of the past, and understanding even better that support from the international community is crucial, Aleksandar Vučić is now presenting himself as ‘pro-EU’. |
More democracy and power to the people is a good starting point. Democracy is not weak or defenseless in Greece.
Iranian students are being systematically discriminated against by the Norwegian government. This is a closed minded approach that goes against long term European interests.

The EU heads of state and government agreed on Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk as new European Council president on Saturday. Italy’s Foreign Minister Federica Mogherini will be the new foreign affairs chief. Tusk has what it takes to become a great EU president, some commentators write. Others believe Mogherini’s election shows that a strong EU foreign policy is unwanted
![]() EXCLUSIVE/ The European Parliament’s trade committee will quash a motion filed by Marine Le Pen and her far-right allies for more transparency in talks over the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). |

Appointing 40% of women to the Commission has become mission impossible, and it is legitimate to wonder whether the wind from the conservative corner isn’t blowing too loud in Europe, writes Maari Põim.
Maari Põim is policy advisor at the Foundation for European Progressive Studies
Eurozone’s industrial recovery slows
Manufacturing PMI dips to a 13-month low of 50.7 in June, as economic and geopolitical tensions slow demand, raising pressure on ECB to boost growth
German eurosceptics win Saxony seats
Anti-euro Alternative für Deutschland won about 9.7% of the vote in Saxony, taking votes from both the CDU and the far-right National Democratic Party
VIDEO: Eurosceptics win German state seats BBC News | Europe | World Edition Germany’s newest party, the Eurosceptic “Alternative for Germany” (AfD), has won its first seats in the state parliament of Saxony, according to preliminary results. |
The death of Abelhak Goradia: a worrying silence in France
open Democracy News Analysis – by Nath Gbikpi
The recent death of an Algerian national at the hands of the police during deportation should provoke public indignation. It demands explanation, says Nath Gbikpi.
Open Europe blog
The surge of anti-EU, anti-euro and protest parties across Europe continues. Germany’s anti-euro Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) is making headlines after winning 9.7% of votes in yesterday’s regional elections in Saxony and securing its first ever seats in one of the country’s regional parliaments.
Trajectories of a new European elite: A closer look at Mogherini’s CV
Ideas on Europe by Ronny Patz
You could look at yesterday’s nomination of Federica Mogherini as the future High Representative of the EU from a simple power balance and recent past perspective:
She’s representing one of large EU member states, one of the founding member states and her political party is the largest group within the Socialists and Democrats in the newly elected European Parliament. She has recent foreign ministerial experience, and represented the Italian Parliament in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, among other things. She’s also female, which will make her one of the few female leaders of major EU institutions and bodies (the EEAS in her case).
Abenomics, European Style Project Syndicate by Nouriel Roubini / Two years ago, Shino Abe’s election as Japan’s prime minister led to the advent of “Abenomics,” a three-part plan to rescue the economy from a treadmill of stagnation and deflation. It now appears that the European Central Bank has a similar plan in store for the eurozone. open Democracy News Analysis – by Marishka van Steenbergen Friends and supporters share anxiety over the safety of Buddhist monk who made South Yorkshire his home after seeking refuge from persecution in his native Bangladesh. Project Syndicate by Jean Pisani-Ferry A few months ago, the consensus was that the time for redesigning the euro had passed, and that the eurozone would have to live with the architecture inherited from its crisis-driven reforms. Not anymore. |
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