Yusuf Kaplan in an article entitled, 20 suggestions for Erdoğan, published in AKP’s Pravda, Yeni Şafak declared that:
19- Bogaziçi, Bilkent and ODTÜ, which are being the volunteer agencies of other cultures, should be ‘demolished’ and in their place pilot universities, which are similar to Ivy League universities in the U.S.A. that trace the American culture and world and try to develop an American spirit — similar to our Nizamülk madrasahs — and will raise our leading generations in the direction of our civilization claims, should be established!!
You can also have a look other suggestions which might provide you the delusional mindset some AKP intellectuals who are into full of pre-1980s third worldist extremisms…
Oh for those who doesn’t know Pol Pot. Here is the Wikipedia link.
the Pulse of the Middle East – Author: A Correspondent in Turkey August 13, 2014 Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan became Turkey’s first directly elected president Aug. 10, setting off speculation as to who he will anoint as his successor. Ahmet Davutoglu, the foreign

The Turkish government and the leader of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), Abdullah Öcalan, have both separately said the 30-year-old conflict in Turkey’s southeast is about to come to an end with recent peace talks.

The convention will be held after calls from deputies who have blamed Kılıçdaroğlu for the defeat in the presidential elections
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