The maps below look at Europe in a different way to usual cartography – they are part of a collection of ‘social maps’ of Europe being launched at the Royal Geographical Society on Wednesday 27 August.
The creators of the maps ask a simple question:
“Should we conceive of Europe as a collection of individual states or as a group of distinct cities and regions which are part of a larger whole?”

Portugal is bailing out the failing Banco Espírito Santo to the tune of 4.9 billion euros. The money will come from a bank capitalisation fund boosted with money left over from the country’s bailout programme. Lisbon is wrongly claiming that taxpayers will be spared, commentators criticise, and say the near bankruptcy of the bank is proof that the crisis continues in Europe’s southern states.
The issue of how to balance EU free movement and the rights of member states to control their welfare systems has been a long running issue, one which several countries (not only the UK) are struggling with. We’ve previously reported about how the influx of EU migrants has caused problems in Germany, prompting the grand coalition to commission a reviewinto the issue.
e-book: 42 reasons to support Scottish independence
open Democracy News Analysis – by Adam Ramsay
The e-book, based on a series here on oD, is launched today – get your copy now.
Today, my e-book “42 reasons to support Scottish independence” comes out. That’s one reason for today, and another for each day until polls close on the 18th of September.
MAIN FOCUS: Moscow extends counter sanctions | 08/08/2014
Russia extended its counter sanctions on Thursday, introducing a sweeping ban on food and agricultural imports from the EU, the US and other countries. This is the start of an economic world war, some commentators believe. Others urge Europe to view the situation as a chance to move ahead with energy independence
Germany’s super-shy super-rich
BBC News | Europe
Why do Germany’s super-rich so often keep their heads down?
MAIN FOCUS: Russia answers sanctions | 31/07/2014
Moscow threatened on Tuesday to increase energy prices in answer to the EU’s economic sanctions, and imposed an import ban on Polish fruit and vegetables. Commentators call on the West to toughen its its stance against Russia and believe it will maintain the upper hand in the event of a trade war.
Fracking Brussels: A Who’s Who of the EU Shale Gas LobbyDocuticker
Source: Friends of the Earth Europe From Executive Summary: Industry players, who include many of the big oil and gas companies, have used their influence and financial power to ensure that the EU has not introduced new EU-wide regulations on fracking in 2013 and 2014. They have invested in an extensive
MAIN FOCUS: Italy back in recession | 07/08/2014
According to Italy’s National Institute for Statistics the country’s economy has shrunk in the second quarter as well as in the first, meaning that the EU’s third largest economy is back in recession. Prime Minister Matteo Renzi is failing to address the real problems with his reforms, commentators criticise, fearing Italy’s downturn will spread to the rest of Europe.
Dealing with Russia: law, jaw and war
by Centre for European Reform
It has been a bad few days for Vladimir Putin. That makes it a particularly dangerous time for Ukraine and for the rest of Europe. The EU has imposed more sanctions on the Russian economy, Moscow has retaliated with an agricultural boycott and Russia appears ready to escalate the crisis: Russian troops are amassing on the Ukrainian border. The West needs to be clear about what it wants from Moscow and take international legal measures against Russia to pursue its objectives. It should also do more to help Ukraine defend its borders. But for the moment Western leaders should put aside the megaphone (particularly when the accompanying stick is disproportionately small) and pick up the telephone to the Kremlin.
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