Pazartesi akşamları MED 512 dersinde Big Data/Digital Data/Data Mining okumaları…

Big Data: water wordscape
Big Data: water wordscape (Photo credit: Marius B)

Evet daha önce koymalıydım ama bir Erasmus projesi yüzünden birkaç hafta da ara verince…

Bu yılki İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Medya ve İletişim Sistemleri Y.Lisans dersi olan “Issues in Cyberculture Studies”ın meselesini Digital Data olarak belirledim. Aşağıda okuma sırasına göre okumaları veriyorum. Her Ptesi santralistanbul’da E4-116’da okumaları tartışıyoruz. Buyrun gelin, siz de katılın. Erasmus öğrencileri olduğu için tartışma İngilizce ve Türkçe oluyor. Linklere tıkladığınızda okumaya ulaşabilirsiniz. Tabi ki bu liste en yetkin liste değil, bir süredir biriktirdiğim, konuyla ilgili okumayı düşündüğüm makalelerden ve kitaplardan seçmeler. Hafta içinde daha journalistic okumalar da paylaşıyoruz aramızda. Yok dersin Facebook grubunu da hareketlendirmek istiyorsanız bir mail atın bana (

28 Nisan akşamı 8 nolu okumayla devam edeceğiz…

Course readings:


1- Data driven futures – censorship takes new forms

by Päivikki Karhula


2- Reassembling Social Science Methods: The Challenge of Digital Devices

Evelyn Ruppert, John Law and Mike Savage


3- Life in Code and Software: Mediated Life in a Complex Computational Ecology

edited by David Berry


4- Living Multiples: How Large-scale Scientific Data-mining Pursues Identity and Differences

Adrian Mackenzie and Ruth McNally


5- Popular Culture, Digital Archives and the New Social Life of Data

David Beer and Roger Burrows


6- Infotopia : Unleashing the Democratic Power of Transparency

Archon Fung


7- Verifying Crowdsourced Social Media Reports for Live Crisis Mapping: An Introduction to Information Forensics

Patrick Philippe Meier


8- The Appearance of Data

Elizabeth Adams St. Pierre


9- Politics, elections and online campaigning: Past, present . . . and a peek into the future

Maurice Vergeer


10- Bringing the Outside In and Bringing the Inside Out?Artifacts in a University Classroom

Karen Charman


11- Moving Between Nuisance, Secrets, and Splinters as Data

Angelo Benozzo, Huw Bell and Mirka Koro-Ljungberg


12- There?s Something in the Air: Becoming-With Research Practices

Bidisha Banerjee and Mindy Blaise


13- Sleepwalking toward a control society? Ten Must-Know Trends

Kai Ekholm & Päivikki Karhula


14- Here?s Data Now, Happening

Kristi Bruce Amatucci


15- Being Data and Datadream/ing Pedagogies With Pinter: A Dream/Dialogue/Data/Play About Being Ruthlessly Honest About Own Motives Eventually Max Stirner

by Anne B. Reinertsen and Ann Merete


17- ?Data? As Vital Illusion

Mirka Koro-Ljungberg


18- Intimate Inquiry: Love as ?Data? in Qualitative Research

Crystal T. Laura


19- The Wonder of Data

Maggie MacLure


20- Downloading disaster: BBC news online coverage of the global financial crisis

Steve Schifferes and Stephen Coulter


21- Data-driven journalism and the public good: ?Computer-assisted-reporters? and ?programmer-journalists? in Chicago

Sylvain Parasie and Eric Dagiral


22- Data Derivatives On the Emergence of a Security Risk Calculus for Our Times

Louise Amoore


23- The archive and the processor: The internal logic of Web 2.0

Robert W. Gehl


24- Datamoshing and the emergence of digital complexity from digital chaos

William Brown and Meetali Kutty


25- Reimagining Government in the Digital Age



26- Credit, time, and personality: The human challenges to sharing scholarly work using Web 2.0

Sophia Krzys Acord


27- digital person the Technology and Privacy in the lnformation Age

daniel j. solove


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