Cyberculture agenda: “Hyperlinking is Not Copyright Infringement…”5 PayPal Alternatives …


The European Union has been expanding since its creation in the 1950s and is now comprised of 28 member states, each committed to EU law.

One of the key roles of the EU?s Court of Justice is to examine and interpret EU legislation to ensure its uniform application across all of those member states. The Court is also called upon by national courts to clarify finer points of EU law to progress local cases with Europe-wide implications.

Much of the editing work on Wikipedia is too mind-numbingly repetitive for humans, so automated bots do it instead. But keeping track of automated editing has always been hard ? until now.

After NSA revelations, the EU wants Internet governance to be less concentrated in the US

The European Commission put forward fresh measures today to share the management and operations of Internet infrastructure among the international community, making it more open, accountable and secure.

5 PayPal Alternatives for Freelancers to Collect Payments in WordPress


This is a guest post by Jawad Khan

eCommerce is at all-time high with transactions of millions of dollars happening every day through various online shopping platforms. PayPal, being one of the oldest online payment provider, holds a major share in the online payment industry, and is the preferred payment mode for millions of people all around the world.


In the Middle East, Arabic Wikipedia Is a Flashpoint ? And a Beacon

Far more than a translation of its English counterpart, Arabic Wikipedia has 690,000 registered users who’ve authored more than 240,000 articles. Many of the articles reflect a Middle Eastern worldview entirely different from the Western one, and their writers navigate acute religious and political sensitivities

Academics and Researchers Against Mass Surveillance

Academics have joined the fight against mass surveillance. Two open letters were published last month from the academic and research communities. One is signed by U.S. information security and cryptography researchers, and the other is signed by over one thousand scholars from a wide range of disciplines who work in universities all over the world.

FBValentinesDayHeart650Detroit has the highest percentage of single people among U.S. cities, while single people are most likely to find relationships in Colorado Springs, Colo., and the ratio favors males seeking opposite-sex relationships in Memphis, Tenn., while females find the most favorable numbers in San Francisco, according to some Valentine?s Day facts and figures released by the Facebook Data Science Team and the social network?s consumer communications department.

We now have scientific evidence that our brains see emoticons like real meatspace visages of actual humans

Edward Snowden

NBC News reports that the status of two NSA workers is under review after the agency released a memo [PDF] implicating them in the Edward Snowden leaks. One civilian NSA staffer resigned after being stripped of his security clearance, accused of allowing Snowden to use his personal log-in credentials to access classified information

If you?re a stakeholder in Bitcoin, or just a curious observer like me, then you?ll be interested to learn about Coinmap.


Freshly Exhumed writes “Does publishing a hyperlink to freely available content amount to an illegal communication to the public and therefore a breach of creator’s copyrights under European law?
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