Cyberculture agenda- U.S. Tech Companies and NSA Spying, 5 Growing Gaming Genres in Facebook Ecosystem…


State surveillance of personal data is theft, say world’s leading authors ? Matthew Taylor ? 12/9/13 5:00 PM ? More than 500 of the world’s leading authors, including five Nobel prize winners, have condemned the scale of state surveillance revealed by the whistleblower Edward Snowden and warned that spy agencies are undermining democracy and must be curbed

Will U.S. Tech Companies Be Punished for NSA Spying?


?People won?t use technology they don?t trust,” Brad Smith, general counsel and executive VP of legal at Microsoft, said in an ominous statement this week. “Governments have put this trust at risk, and governments need to help restore it.?

Facebook Highlights 5 Growing Gaming Genres in its Ecosystem

Gaming on Facebook is continuing to evolve as the platform attracts new creators and players. The social network now has more genres than ever making up its most-played and biggest-earning games, according to information from Facebook.

Facebook Reveals the Biggest Trends of 2013

Miley Cyrus and the Royal Baby may have been all over Facebook this year, but neither proved to be top conversation driver on the social network.

What Facebook, Seven Other Tech Giants Wrote To The U.S. Government On Surveillance Reform

ReformGovernmentSurveillanceCompanies650Facebook teamed up with AOLAppleGoogleLinkedInMicrosoftTwitter, andYahoo on An Open Letter to Washington regarding global government surveillance reform, urging governments around the world to take action.

Man Who Joined Anonymous Attack for ‘1 Minute’ Fined $183,000


A 38-year-old man was sentenced to two years probation and a hefty fine for participating in a distributed denial-of-service attack organized by hacker collective Anonymous against the webpage of Koch Industries in 2011.

Introducing the Blogosphere of Russia?s North Caucasus

The Caucasus Network, 10 June 2013, photo by Sergey Ponomarev.

This is the introduction to an extensive RuNet Echo study of the North Caucasus blogosphere. Explore the complete report and personal stories on The Caucasus Networkpage.

The Emerging Technologies Shaping Future 5G Networks

The fifth generation of mobile communications technology will see the end of the ?cell? as the fundamental building block of communication networks.
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