Sweden is Europe’s most innovative economy, Commission says

Sweden is the best country in the EU when it comes to getting new ideas to reach the market, according to a new innovation indicator launched by the European Commission.
The new indicator measures innovation output, which creates better jobs and makes Europe more competitive, the Commission said.
Greek modern populism in its European context
The new composition of the European Parliament after the elections in 2014 is expected to be rather different. It is estimated that the number of anti-Europeans and Eurosceptics will increase from around 100 to around 200 MEPs in a total of 751 seats, reinforcing the presence of radical parties.
Redeeming Europe through entertainment
The Eurozone crisis has plunged southern Europeans into poverty and unemployment. It has created irreparable divisions between the north and the south of Europe. No sign of economic and political convergence is in sight. Fear not, TV will save us.
MAIN FOCUS: US should cut down on spying | 04/11/2013
Paris and Berlin are seeking bilateral no-spy agreements with the US in the spying scandal. Germany and Brazil also submitted a draft for an anti-espionage resolution to the UN on Friday. Europe must now crank up the pressure on the US, some commentators demand. Others observe that Europe’s politicians once condoned the spying themselves in the fight against terror.
During the last two decades the EU has gained more and more competences to formulate public policies. This happend within a broader process of sharing sovereignty and legitimacy with the Member States.
Eurointegration Doesn?t Threaten the CIS
The Commonwealth of Independent States is the organization which arose on the fragments of the Soviet Union, provided its civilized disintegration. Many experts considered that the CIS is the turned-over card, but today the political situation has changed a little.
Missing the boat: Europe’s asylum and immigration crisis
While there are no quick and easy answers to Europe?s asylum and migration dilemma, there are some constructive steps that could be taken.
Privatisation, a very British disease
After bailout, Ireland goes back to building houses
Ireland’s economy has to expand by an annual 2-3 percent to make its debt sustainable and the government’s strategy to achieve this – placing construction at its heart – started to emerge in October
France to cancel more debt for the world?s poorest countries
Foreign debt cancellations are expected to reach new highs in France’s 2014 development aid budget, with Somalia, Zimbabwe, Chad, Ivory Coast and Sudan in line for a complete deletion of their national debt.
Last week, French MPs told two ministers – Pascal Canfin, in charge of development policy, and Benoît Hamon, in charge of the social economy – that the country’s development aid budget was ?scattered? and ?non-transparent?.
Europe must bring the single market to the digital world
Digital change is ready to take the European telecoms sector by the throat. If we don?t change collectively, Europe?s competitiveness will slip just as the opportunities of the big data revolution arrive on our doorstep, Neelie Kroes writes.
Neelie Kroes is vice-president of the European Commission and commissioner responsible for the digital agenda.
Kosovo elections marred by violence
An election in Kosovo designed to help end years of de facto ethnic partition was marred by violence and intimidation by Serb hardliners on Sunday (3 November), undermining a fragile EU-brokered pact between the Balkan country and former master Serbia.
Two hours before polls closed in the ethnically-divided town of Mitrovica, a volatile Serb pocket of northern Kosovo, masked men burst into three schools housing polling stations on the Serb side, lobbing tear gas and smashing ballot boxes.
Britons, MPs suffer a ‘communication deficit’ on EU affairs
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