What is Tor and why does it matter?
Moore?s law states that the power and speeds of computers will double every two years, and it?s held true. There has been no single factor that has impacted businesses to a greater degree than the ability of computers to perform better. This speed of change and digital capabilities has brought an unprecedented digital revolution and placed greater demands on companies to respond to rapid changes in the marketplace. Here are six digital trends every CEO should know.
Polls Continue to Show Majority of Americans Against NSA Spying
Shortly after the June leaks, numerous polls asked the American people if they approved or disapproved of the NSA spying, which includes collecting telephone records using Section 215 of the Patriot Act and collecting phone calls and emails using Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. The answer then was a resounding no, and new polls released in August and September clearly show Americans’ increasing concern about privacy has continued.
78% of Twitter’s Users Are Outside the U.S.
Foursquare designer explains how he created mesmerizing visualizations from check-in data
Foursquare designer Matt Healey has explained in an interview with Fast Company how he created the stunning Pulse visualizations of check-in data that the company has beenshowing off recently.
NSA freedom of information requests up 1000% post-Snowden
Michael Morisy from Muckrock sez, “A veritable FOIA frenzy ensued in 2013 following a series of leaks about NSA surveillance programs, recently released documents show.

Back in May, Google announced new quick action buttons, letting users respond to emails without opening them. So, for example, if you want to let the sender know that you?re attending an event, you can do so directly from your inbox. No typing required.
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