Savage Minds Interview: Kristina Killgrove
Kristina Killgrove is a biological anthropologist at the University of West Florida. Her research focuses on theorizing migration in antiquity and on understanding urban development and collapse through the analysis of human skeletal remains. She works primarily in the classical world, attempting to learn about the daily lives of the lower classes in Imperial Rome through osteological and biochemical analyses, but she has also worked on questions of population interaction in the contact-period southeastern U.S. and in Medieval Germany. A strong commitment to interdisciplinary research and teaching help her bridge the sometimes large divide between classics and anthropology. For more about Killgrove?s work, check out her website or blog, email her (killgrove@uwf.edu), or follow her on twitter (@DrKillgrove).
Ryan Anderson: What brought you to anthropology? What made you choose this as your career?
?Thinking Allowed Award? for Ethnography
The BSA (British Sociological Association) is delighted to announce it has teamed up with BBC Radio 4?s Thinking Allowed to create a new annual award for ethnography. The inaugural Thinking Allowed Award for Ethnography will aim to recognize the study that has had the biggest influence in ethnography, having made a significant contribution to our knowledge and understanding of a relevant area of research.
Why does the anthropology world despise Jared Diamond?
Reading non-ethnographic non-fiction
In yesterday?s post I discussed my discovery that I have non-ethnographic writing options. In today?s post I touch on the corollary, my discovery that I have non-ethnographic reading options.
Notes on the Workshop ?Objects from Abroad: The Life of Exotic Goods in France and the United States? by Noémie Étienne (Wissenschaftliche Assistentin, University of Zurich) The interdisciplinary conference ?Objects from Abroad: The Life of Exotic Goods in France and
This posting presents the Decipherment of Gobekli Tepe (Göbekli Tepe) as Ancient Old World Land Survey by Astronomy, Marking the Stars of Cancer, Which Stood at the Vernal Equinox ca. 7400 B.C.
Anthropologists to make documentaries on Czech-German borderland
Prague Daily Monitor
Plzen, West Bohemia, July 14 (CTK) – Young people from several European as well as other countries of the world will make seven documentaries on various themes from the Czech-German borderland, Tomas Hirt, from the anthropology chair of West
Anthropology Professor Says New ?Type? of Immigrant Trying to Enter US
Hispanically Speaking News
The ongoing deportation program is resulting a ?new type of immigrant? trying to cross the border into the United States, namely undocumented foreigners who have lived illegally for many years in this country and ?the only way of life they know is that .
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