A confidence unparalleled (!) in every aspect of Foreign policy….
Turkey’s spate of drug-test failures may harm 2020 Olympic chances
? Dozens of athletes expected to be confirmed positive
? Olympic 1500m champion Cakir Alptekin an early failure
Turkey’s chances of hosting the 2020 Olympics have been dealt a serious blow with a widespread doping scandal. Dozens of athletes are expected to be confirmed as having tested positive for banned substances after the International Association of Athletics Federations “intensified” its anti-doping efforts within Turkey this year, with particular scrutiny at the Mediterranean Games last month.
Turkey confident about Istanbul 2020 Olympics bid despite doping scandal
The Turkish National Olympic Committee President Uğur Erdener is confident that a series of doping cases will not hurt Istanbul?s 2020 Games bid
Turkey’s assertive foreign policy, promoting itself as a role model for the Muslim world, has received a setback after the military intervention that unseated Egypt’s Islamist president Mohamed Morsi, analysts say.
Turkish Foreign Minister Davutoğlu, envoys set to meet to discuss Egypt, Syria
Ahmet Davutoğlu will meet with Turkish ambassadors serving in Middle Eastern countries to confer over ongoing regional developments
Belgique-Turquie : 50 années de migration
Centre pour l?égalité des chances et la lutte contre le racisme (Belgique) 2013 Quentin Schoonvaere En 1961, la population de nationalité turque résidant en Belgique atteignait à peine le nombre de 320 individus. Depuis le milieu des années 2000, plus de 150.000 personnes de nationalité turque ou nées avec la nationalité turque résident en Belgique.
German Marshall Fund of the United States, July 2013, 17 p. Foreign Policy Papers Nora Fisher Onar * The perception of Turkey as a model for the Middle East appears to have been fleeting. For the time being, the story has petered out because Turkey, like its allies and rivals, has proven unable to shape
Trouble in talks with Israel ?not linked? to Gezi protests, Turkish official says
A Turkish official has dismissed media reports claiming that the government?s accusations directed at the Jewish diaspora about the Gezi protests have stalled Mavi Marmara compensation talks with Israel
Taking the next step in Turkey
Turks inspired by protests hold public meetings on how to bring about lasting change.
EU renews Turkey talks despite Taksim tension
Membership negotiations to resume, even as anti-government protests fuel diplomatic rows.
Syria’s main opposition picks Ahmad Assi Jarba, a tribal figure from Hasaka as new leader
Syria’s main opposition on elected Ahmad Assi Jarba to lead the movement which groups opponents of President Bashar al-Assad
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