Historic Win for the Pirate Party Movement in Iceland… a cyberculture roundup…

Pirate Party Enters Iceland?s National Parliament After Historic Election Win

from TorrentFreak by Ernesto

Founded in 2006, the Pirate party movement has scored some big and small victories over the years.

Their biggest success came in 2009 when the party won two seats at the European Parliament. During the last year this was followed by dozens more seats in German state parliaments.


CISPA is dead! (again) (for now)

from Boing Boing by Cory Doctorow

After months of activist agitation and a crushing disappointment from the cowards in the House of Representatives, the US senate has effectively killed CISPA, a sweeping Internet surveillance proposal. This is astoundingly great news! But CISPA died once before, and came back from the dead, and it will not likely stay dead this time around either. The price of liberty is eternal vigilance, etc etc etc:

Google: Government Censorship Attempts Increasing

from Mashable! by Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai


Transparency Report: More government removal requests than ever before

from The Official Google Blog by Emily Wood

Three years ago when we launched the Transparency Report, we said we hoped it would shine some light on the scale and scope of government requests for censorship and data around the globe. Today, for the seventh time, we?re releasing new numbers showing requests from governments to remove content from our services. From July to December 2012, we received 2,285 government requests to remove 24,179 pieces of content?an increase from the 1,811 requests to remove 18,070 pieces of content that we received during the first half of 2012.

Report: Obama Officials Authorized New ?Cybersecurity? Warrantless Surveillance Program, Fresh Immunity Given to ISPs

from EFF.org Updates by Trevor Timm

Yesterday, in a disturbing report published on CNET, new documents obtained by EPIC reveal that Obama administration officials have authorized a new government program involving the interception of communications on Internet service providers, including AT&T?one of the key players in the NSA warrantless wiretapping program.

Evgeny Morozov attacks internet consensus single-handed

from open Democracy News Analysis – by Geert Lovink

Instead of polemical cowboy columns, a systematic approach around key concepts and underlying traditions (such as libertarianism) could have a more devastating effect on the study of the internet and its political and social potential.


The Arab Spring: Between Past and Future

by Reflection Cafe

Tarıq Ali

New Left Review 80

March-April 2013


PayPal president is fascinated by Bitcoin, says company is ?thinking about? including the virtual currency

from The Next Web by Emil Protalinski


Time for Debate About the Societal Impact of the Internet of Things

from Oxford Internet Institute – Blogs

Policy and Internet Blog on 22 April 2013 at 14:32PM

Despite the growing ubiquity and connectivity of the consumer devices and other objects that make up the ?Internet of Things?, very little is understood about the likely social impacts of the technology. Jeremy Crump is chair of the BCS Internet of Things working group and a Director at Cisco Systems. In February 2013 he chaired a joint

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