A massive project. Much more imaginative than other parties’ election promises. AKP increasingly relies on grand projects reminding me older dam projects etc by center-right parties… Probably environmental unfriendly, and pro-corporate. (A friend of mine on real estate business already gave me tips about that).
by Jenny White
![10 soruda 'çılgın proje']()
Image from Radikal
It wasn?t a joke. The AKP government has just announced that it?s going ahead with its plan to cut a second Bosphorus right through Istanbul. See my last, disbelieving post on this ?Istanbul Canal? here. But it?s really happening. There will be a two-year ?study period?. Then they?ll start digging. Goal to finish is 2023. Expected cost, a mere $10 billion. Istanbul will become an island and two half-islands. The canal site will be on state-owned land, but there will also be expropriations.
We used to know that Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, a former mayor of İstanbul, has carried his municipality team to national politics level. Yesterday’s Canal İstanbul declaration proved that he has carried his dreams about İstanbul to a national level also.
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Wednesday announced what he called a ?crazy and magnificent? plan to build a new waterway to the Black Sea.
from World news: Turkey | guardian.co.uk by Sam Jones
Turkish president Recep Erdogan trumpets ‘crazy and magnificent plan’ for channel to reduce traffic and oil spills
by M.A.M
Legal experts claim Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan?s new ?crazy project? that envisages the creation of a new ?Bosporus? in İstanbul will strengthen Turkey?s hand amid debates that a 1936 convention might prevent a prohibition of naval traffic through the Bosporus Strait.
In all countries, political tension rises ahead of elections, and what is going on in Turkey is no different. What is different in Turkey is that the elections are not pursued by political parties and civilian actors alone.
As general elections slated for June 12 draw near, political party leaders have begun to adopt harsher language towards each other, with many of them attacking one another verbally and using profanity.
An analysis of the list of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) nominees for the coming parliamentary elections submitted to the Supreme Election Board (YSK) on April 11, the party?s election platform announced on April 15, and certain recent public statements by him give some clues as to what Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan?s game plan is for his third term in power.
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan?s harsh words at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) have been associated with the election atmosphere in Turkey.
The Supreme Election Board (YSK) vetoed the candidacies for deputy of seven people from the pro-Kurdish Peace and Democracy Party (BDP).
The main opposition Republican People?s Party (CHP), which has gone through radical changes with regards to its top administration since the last elections held in 2007, has finally announced its election manifesto.
In the run-up to the June 12 parliamentary elections, Turkey?s political parties have issued their election manifestos to explain and support their policy positions on the major economic, social and political issues facing the country.
by Aengus Collins
For the past week, Turkey has been convulsed by the decision of the country?s electoral board (YSK) to prohibit a group of Kurdish independent candidates from participating in June?s general election. The YSK?s ruling prompted a political crisis as well as angry protests in which one young man died and many others were injured. Although the ruling was largely reversed on Thursday, it remains the subject of considerable controversy.
by Gülay Göktürk Bugün
I really think the ?sine qua non? question is very important. During the latest crisis I started thinking again about whether the terms for being elected deputy were a sine qua non.
by Nazlı Ilıcak Sabah
The Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation?s (TESEV) Constitution Commission, which is assessing the general principles of the Constitution, opposes the mentality in the last paragraph of Article 24 in the current Constitution. The ban on exploitation and abuse applies to all basic rights.
by Hilal Kaplan
The most important result of the recent Supreme Election Board (YSK) crisis (sparked by a ban on seven pro-Kurdish deputies) has come to reveal how far Turkish society has come.
by ANKARA – Hürriyet Daily News
Turkey’s main opposition leader has promised a new Constitution accompanied by concrete human-oriented social and economic policies that will embrace the rights of all segments of society.
by ANKARA – Hürriyet Daily News
Addressing a large crowd in the Black Sea province of Samsun to kick off his electoral campaign, Republican People?s Party, or CHP, leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu called on the people of Samsun to teach a lesson to the ruling party. His speech was given in the same province where Turkey?s founder, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, launched the country?s War of Independence
by ISTANBUL – Daily News with Wires
PM Erdoğan held a series of rallies Sunday in Istanbul, challenging the opposition?s ability to govern the country and defending the legislature?s 10 percent election barrier.
by ANKARA – Hürriyet Daily News
Turkey’s ruling party and main opposition both remain committed to the country’s EU accession bid, but are divided over their reasons for seeking membership.
There are several challenges that should be addressed in Turkey after the June 12 general elections. Rewriting a new civilian constitution and addressing the centuries-old Kurdish question as well as reducing poverty, which has been increasing despite positive macroeconomic indicators, are the priority areas that should be tackled.
by Gülay Göktürk
The ruling Justice and Development Party?s (AK Party) understanding of a political party seems like it will create problems both for itself and for all of us. In this understanding, all parties should strive to be ?the party of the nation.?
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