WikiLeaks Opens a Gift Shop [PICS]
Aiming to raise funds for both the controversial website and leader Julian Assange?s legal defense fund, WikiLeaks this month opened an online gift shop.
23/02/2011 – Five major newspapers debate Wikileaks in Madrid
MADRID – Today the auditorium of the Reina Sofia museum in Madrid hosted a debate between the chief editors of the five major newspapers involved in cablegate: Javier Moreno from El Pais, Alan Rudbridger from The Guardian, Sylvie Kauffmann from Le Monde, Georg Mascolo from Der Spiegel and Bill Keller representing The New York Times. The theme was the future of journalism in the new global context set by Wikileaks. and 150 libraries create 80,000 lendable ebook library
Rick Prelinger sez, “Internet Archive (disclosure: I’m a board member) has joined with 150 US and Canada libraries to develop a cooperative collection of (mostly 20th-century) eBooks that library patrons can “borrow” on a laptop, an e-reader or a library computer while visiting a participating branch. This “digital lending” dramatically expands the collections of each library, and updates the traditional library model to embrace digital titles. Many rare and one-of-a-kind titles (e.g., genealogy, family history) are included.”
2011-02-16 Cablegate to Date: 32 Major Revelations (and Counting)
A little more than two months ago, as in some previous cases, Greg Mitchell started live-blogging when a major story broke. But a funny thing happened with WikiLeaks? ?Cablegate? release: The story, and the reader interest, did not go away after a couple of days?as the cables kept coming out, the controversies spread, and Julian Assange became a household name in America.
One week passed, then another. He started labeling it The WikiLeaks News & Views Blog and giving it a number, e.g. ?Day 20.? Then ?30.? Echoing the early days of “Nightline” during the Iran crisis in the late-1970s, He wrote that like America then he was being held ?hostage.? When he hit day 50, he joked about topping Joe DiMaggio?s consecutive ?hit? streak?and on day 57, passed it. Now, it’s Day 81 and he continues to blog WikiLeaks at
He published a book, , on January 28 and has granted me permission to republish excerpts from his book (which is now available as an e-book) to WL Central. Here is an excerpt on what Cablegate has revealed thus far:
“What has Wikileaks ever taught us?” … Read on …, Ryan Gallagher
Introduction to Digital Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy
Reading Philip Howard?s ?Digital Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy? and Evgeny Morozov?s ?Net Delusion? back-to-back over a 10-day period in January was quite a trip. The two authors couldn?t possibly be more different in terms of tone, methodology and research design. Howard?s approach is rigorous and balanced. He takes a data-driven, mixed-methods approach that ought to serve as a model for the empirical study of digital activism.
Mobile World Congress 2011 in Pictures
Another Mobile World Congress is behind us, and as they urge us to clear out the media center, which has been a safe haven for journalists desperate for a stable Internet connection (the Wi-Fi was spotty and slow throughout the event), we?re reminiscing about the things we?ve seen this year.
2011-02-15 Four allegations against Julian Assange & ?dual criminality?: Extradition Part 6
At the final day of the extradition hearing on 11th February 2011 SC Montgomery from the Crown Prosecution Service, acting for the Swedish prosecution authorities, made what this writer considers to be some extraordinary submissions. One of them was directed personally at Robertson and was simply unacceptable, if, and I believe it to be so, that the tweeter @federicacocco correctly recorded it:
Debate Over Internet Backdoors Heats Up in Congress and in Court
Two hearings tomorrow?one in court and one in Congress?will highlight the brewing debate over whether Congress should expand federal surveillance laws to force Internet communications service providers like Facebook, Google and Skype to build technical backdoors into their systems to enable government wiretapping.
Will the Rise of Wikileaks Competitors Make Whistleblowing Resistant to Censorship?
Since it began publishing a trove of classified United States Embassy cables on November 28, 2010, Wikileaks has faced an onslaught of censorship that demonstrated how online speech is vulnerable when intermediaries refuse to host contentious or unpopular speech.
Newly Released Documents Detail FBI?s Plan to Expand Federal Surveillance Laws
EFF just received documents in response to a 2-year old FOIA request for information on the FBI?s “Going Dark” program, an initiative to increase the FBI’s authority in response to problems the FBI says it’s having implementing wiretap and pen register/trap and trace orders on new communications technologies. The documents detail a fully-formed and well-coordinated plan to expand existing surveillance laws and develop new ones. And although they represent only a small fraction of the documents we expect to receive in response to this and a more recent FOIA request, they were released just in time to provide important background information for the House Judiciary Committee?s hearing tomorrow on the Going Dark program.
Facebook ‘friends’ cause stress
Cyber attacks ‘are acts of war’
2011-02-16 A Forum in South Korea: ?WikiLeaks, Revolutionary Media or a Threat to Nation States?
Authored by : UnderstandingOb
A Forum entitled ?WikiLeaks, Revolutionary Media or a Threat to Nation States? opened in South Korea on January 6th, hosted by an NGO ?Institute for Public Media? discussing various issues including what WikiLeaks means to South Korea and the world, current state of freedom of expression and the right to know in South Korea, and the future of all of them.
the digital humanities divide
I’ve been buried in grant-writing most of this month (hopefully some of it will pay off), so I’m behind on some things I’ve been meaning to write here. However, last week saw some Twitter consternation over the upcoming Digital Humanities conference with various people expressing their disappointment of not getting in. Of course such disappointment is a part of most conferences, but in this case there is a sense that the rejections reflect some divide within digital humanities where the conference organizers and proposal reviewers might reflect a more limited sense of the field than those who are now proposing. In other words, the field perhaps expanding in unpredicted ways.
What does the “Track” in “Do Not Track” mean?
There is a lot of discussion about Do Not Track at the moment. The FTC has announced support for the idea; Mozilla has added a Do Not Track header option into Firefox betas, and Congresswoman Jackie Speier has introduced a Do Not Track bill. Other proposed privacy legislation, such as Rep. Bobby Rush’s bill, could also achieve similar objectives. And yesterday, EFF submitted comments urging the Federal Trade Commission to defend online privacy by supporting the header-based Do Not Track feature.
Closed Captions Should Be Standard with Online Video, TV
When “The French Chef” appeared on PBS in 1972 with captions, it marked the first TV show ever to be fully accessible to the deaf and hard of hearing. For the next decade, people with disabilities enjoyed more and more captioned TV, culminating in a 1990 law that required all TV shows to be captioned.
Is blogging dead or is it just adapting itself to changing times?
It was the Merriam-Webster dictionary’s word of the year in 2004 and only seven years later, some are saying that it is already dying…
Blog: what is the future of blogging?
4 Insights on the Future of the Music Industry
The music industry is still in tremendous turmoil. Yet it is also full of the kind of discussions needed to remake and rebuild the industry.
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