Landmarks in the critical study of secularism
In September of 2010, Talal Asad, William E. Connolly, Charles Hirschkind, and I met at the annual American Political Science Association conference to discuss two seminal texts in a recently emerging field of study, which could tentatively be called the critical study of secularism. The texts in question were Connolly?s Why I Am Not a Secularist (1999) and Asad?s Formations of the Secular: Christianity, Islam and Modernity (2003), each now roughly a decade old.
Internal Barriers to Online Expansion
New survey suggests budget woes are more likely to impede the growth of online programs than skepticism and regulation; access for disabled students also a concern. more
Thinking in public: cloud-based composition
Richard Miller and Paul Hammond offer the video below exploring the role on the network in composition. The video is a good general introduction to this issue beginning broadly with a discussion of paradigm shifts and situating current technological developments as a paradigmatic shift away from a printcentric world. All familiar stuff, at least to most readers of this blog. About seven minutes in they begin to discuss this idea of learning and thinking in public and the importance of our ability to develop ideas through public spaces. And then it is here, about 10 minutes into the video, that I think it really starts getting interesting to me as they begin to explore their pedagogical-curricular implementation of cloud-based composition.
Encouraging Deep Learning
Annual survey of community college students reveals that many do not engage in critical thinking often enough to generate classroom success. more
Calvinism, Drivel, and the Best Possible World
Herman Bavinck?s section on the divine counsel in Reformed Dogmatics is, in my rather biased mind at least, teeming with shrewd theological judgments. However, it also bears the mark of a deep, pastoral awareness of the tragic and the disturbing realities of the world. In the midst of underscoring the active posture of the will of God and the dependence of all creaturely happenings thereon, he acknowledges,

Turkish president surprises in rector appointments
putting an object-orientation to work in the new humanities
I’m following along the lines of some recent posts here and a clearly broader conversation. Here’s Dave Parry quoting Jean-Luc Nancy on the SUNY Albany business. Here’s Jeff Rice. Here’s Richard Miller. Here’s Rosemary Feal in the Chronicle. The MLA has produced a report on rebuilding foreign language programs. Here are UK students protesting changes in higher education (a large part of those changes impact humanities and social sciences, i.e. non-STEM, education).
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