It is a “Ramazan ceasefire” but it seems that negotiations behind the doors continue, I am glad, many are glad, nationalists are whining as usual… In the following roundup, there are pieces on the referendum, an article on the Ergenekon Case from Open Democracy, and more stuff…
PKK Decided for Ceasefire till 20 September
YAVUZ BAYDAR – TÜSİAD, the economy and the referendum
Turkey?s Ergenekon investigation – violations and inconsistencies, Burhan Gurdogan
Turkey is entering a new period with the Ergenekon investigations, which officially began in June 2007. According to the prosecutors, Ergenekon is an underground terrorist organization which was established to control the country, a ?deep state? that has infiltrated nearly all levels of government, especially the military. Its aim is to incite public chaos and a military coup with the ultimate goal of overthrowing the incumbent Justice and Development Party (AKP).

Turkey’s Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan chairs the annual meeting of the High Military Council in Ankara August 1, 2010.? Read more »REUTERS/Umit Bektas
Will ?yes? votes increase?
LALE KEMAL – Military fights back while withdrawing from politics
Öcalan’s comments cloud BDP boycott call
Kurds disagree with BDP by İLHAN KAYA

ANDREW FINKEL – The reform paradigm
Koşaner?s first test: the Heron scandal
Judicial-military bloc losing
Kılıçdaroğlu and a lack of politics
YAVUZ BAYDAR – The politics of saying ?no?
FATMA DİŞLİ ZIBAK – Kılıçdaroğlu?s strategy
Ergenekon probe incomplete without exposing Yüksekova gang
Today’s Zaman
Family members of victims killed by the Yüksekova gang in eastern and southeastern Turkey in the 1990s have said the probe into the Ergenekon terrorist …
A (not so) Simple Yes or No Will Do
Constitutional reform is tricky business. Fortunately for the average Turk, who is being asked to vote on a constitutional reform package in a national referendum on Sept. 12, Turkey’s political parties are making things simple. Rather than talking about what’s in the package, they have turned the referendum into a vote of confidence on the ruling AKP government and boiled down the whole thing into a simple matter of “yes” versus “no.” Like the government? vote “evet.” Don’t like the government? Vote “hayir.”
Or maybe things are not so simple. Writes Andrew Finkel in Today’s Zaman:
Recep Bey versus Memur Kemal
NICOLE POPE – An opportunity not to miss
With less than a month to go until the referendum, the Kurdistan Workers? Party (PKK) has issued a temporary cease-fire, due to last until Sept. 20. The truce could be reconstructed and lead to a long-lasting silencing of arms if certain conditions are met.
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