Turkey now open conflict with Iran: Deputy PM suggests ‘Hezbevil’ not Hezbullah….How Turks can travel freely to Europe

Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdağ suggests Hezbollah needs to change its name to ?Hezb-evil.? AA photo

 Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdağ suggests Hezbollah needs to change its name to ?Hezb-evil.? AA photo

‘Hezbevil’ not Hezbullah, Deputy PM suggests

Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdağ has suggested that ?pro-al-Assad? Iran-based.

Syrian opposition split as peace moves forge ahead

International efforts to end the conflict in Syria accelerate on Monday with key talks in Brussels.


Cutting the Visa Knot. How Turks can travel freely to Europe

ESI Report (European Stability Initiative) 21 May 2013, 28 p. Berlin ? Brussels ? Istanbul Visa liberalisation has been a crucial element in the EU?s relations with Romania, Serbia and Albania. Yet until recently it had not even appeared on the agenda of talks between Brussels and Ankara. Then on 21 June 2012, the Counci

Van Rompuy appelle à revigorer les relations UE-Turquie

Agence Europe 25 mai 2013, Bruxelles Le président du Conseil européen, Herman Van Rompuy, a souligné, le 22 mai en Turquie, que l?UE souhaite revigorer ses relations avec Ankara. « L?objectif de l?UE est de revigorer davantage cette relation importante, de renforcer les différents processus qu?elle comporte, y compris le processus d?adhésion, et d?approfondir les

Kurdish politician views US role in peace process, Turkey?s Syria policy

BBC Monitoring European (UK) 23 May 2013                                     Türkçe Text of report by Turkish newspaper Milliyet on 21 May Interview with Ahmet Turk by Pinar Ersoy in Washington date not given: “Process Will be Adversely Affected if Syrian Kurds are Forgotten” A second delegation, from the BDP [Peace and Democracy Party]

Regional implications of PKK?s truce with Turkey

Today?s Zaman (Turkey) 23 May 2013, p. 14 by Othman Ali * If the current truce between Turkey and the PKK holds or ends in a peace treaty, it has the potential to seriously weaken the Iraqi government?s resolve to assert its power vis-à-vis the Kurdistan Regional Government and the peace process may further strain

Le printemps arabe mène-t-il à la résolution de la question kurde ?

Le Figaro (France) no. 21396, lundi 20 mai 2013, p. 13 Laure Marchand, Istanbul De la Turquie à l?Irak en passant par la Syrie, les convulsions qui secouent la région font le jeu des autonomistes. Moyen-Orient. Répartis entre l?Irak, l?Iran, la Turquie et la Syrie, les Kurdes sont le plus grand peuple sans État.

Kurdish Peace Process Remains on Track

German Marshall Fund of the United States, May 10, 2013 Amberin Zaman * If all goes to plan, over 29 years of violence in Turkey between government forces and the Kurdistan Workers? Party (PKK), which has cost over 40,000 lives, will soon come to a close. Past attempts at peace have failed, but there is

Opinion: Syrian crisis leading towards open Turkey-Iran conflict

Soon after the rise of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) in 2002, Turkey launched an ambitious foreign policy agenda to make itself a stand-alone regional leader. With this new vision, Turkey looked to cast itself as a central actor, wielding soft power to shape the Middle East.The Syrian war and Iran?s regional hegemonic designs have, unfortunately, stunted most of Ankara?s ambitions.AKP


Syrian conflict grows with unsettling consequences for more than Lebanon

Israel, Jordan, Turkey and Iraq are also experiencing destabilising knock-on effects from the two-year conflict in Syria

Poor transparency shadows Turkey?s Syria refugee policy

Turkey should be proud of its open-door policy and the physical conditions of the camps

Trucks face problems of ?access to Europe?

Exports to Europe may face difficulties due to the limitations on Turkish trucks to find alternative routes following the closure of a major highway in Austria

Austria ?bottleneck? for Turkish trucks

Exports to Europe may face difficulties due to the limitations on Turkish trucks to find alternative routes following the closure of a major highway in Austria.

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