Journalism agenda: “Snowden to journalists: your best defense is legal limits on spying, not crypto”

Snowden to journalists: your best defense is legal limits on spying, not crypto Boing Boing by Cory Doctorow Edward Snowden videoconferenced with a journalism roundtable at Editors Lab participants at Süddeutsche Zeitung (home of the Panama Papers) about the effect of state surveillance on a free press. The New York Times’ earnings report is more proof … Read more

Cyberculture agenda: “Signs Point to Unencrypted Communications Between Terror Suspects…

Signs Point to Unencrypted Communications Between Terror Suspects The Intercept by Dan Froomkin In the wake of the Paris attack, intelligence officials and sympathizers upset by the Edward Snowden leaks and the spread of encrypted communications havetried to blame Snowden for the terrorists’ ability to keep their plans secret from law enforcement. Yet news emerging from … Read more