Literati roundup: Orhan Pamuk looks at sources of inspiration for “The Museum of Innocence”

A look at the sources of inspiration behind “The Museum of Innocence” open Democracy News Analysis – by Orhan Pamuk In a famous article in the “Paris Review”, Hemingway made a list of the literary figures who had influenced him. When I decided to become an author, I was determined to make the same list.   ************** … Read more

Aslı TUNÇ (@aslitunc): Bir Boşluk ve Hiçlik Senfonisi: Yerçekimi

Bir Boşluk ve Hiçlik Senfonisi: Yerçekimi Aslı TUNÇ Savrulmak önce, devasa, uçsuz bucaksız kozmozda, tek başınıza savrulmak? sizi tutan, bir yere bağlayan hiçbir şey olmaksızın, öylesine, tekinsiz ve anlık. Sonra o mutlak sessizlikte süzülmek… Bu sessizlik sadece denizin derinliklerinde olanla ölçüşebilir, ötesi yok. Etrafınız hiçlikle kaplanmışsa yaşama tutunmanın ne anlamı vardır oysa? İşte bu varoluşsal … Read more

“U.S. Universities Ranked by BitTorrent Usage… An Interview with Prof. Anthony D. Smith.. A literati roundup…

College Pirates? U.S. Universities Ranked by BitTorrent Usage BitTorrent has plenty of legitimate uses but much of the traffic that passes through can be linked to copyright infringement. This is true on all regular Internet providers but also on university networks. Unlike consumer ISPs, however, educational institutions are required by law to prevent copyright infringement … Read more