another cyberculture roundup: “Generation C” now; ” Do Not Track” issue; Bradley Manning trial…

Forget Generation Y: 18- to 34-Year-Olds Are Now ?Generation C? from Mashable! by Zoe Fox   HTML Editor Calls HTML5 Video Copy-Protection Proposal ‘Unethical’ from Wired Top Stories by Scott Gilbertson Google, Microsoft, and Netflix have teamed up to propose a copy protection protocol– AKA DRM — for HTML5 video. It’s just a draft right … Read more

Erkan proudly announces: Ushahidi in Turkish (Seçim Takip)

[that’s why there is not much posting in the blog recently] My MA course, Issues in Cyberculture Studies (MED 512) is about to give fruit! We have just launched an election monitoring project that is based on the well known Ushahidi software.  We had been working on the Turkish version of this open source software … Read more