Cyberculture agenda: “Cyber conflict and psychological IR perspectives…”Turks manipulating Twitter TTs…

Turks manipulate trending topics in spite of Twitter Hurriyet Daily News ‘Any person can push a hashtag to Turkish and worldwide TT lists in 10-15 minutes,’ an experiment shows Cyber conflict and psychological IR perspectives  open Democracy News Analysis – by Mischa Hansel As cyber attacks and cyber terrorism become more prevalent, overreaction and conflict escalation must … Read more

Elif: Why Kemal Sunal?

Why should we mention Kemal Sunal? In his 10th death anniversary, Kemal Sunal who is  one of the best comedy actors in Turkish Cinema history and who is humorously nicknamed as ?İnek Şaban? was alone with his family. Despite the common view that Kemal Sunal played in the movies that didn?t contribute to ,  Mr. … Read more