Cyberculture agenda: Google Program to Deradicalize Jihadis then to be used for Right-Wing American Extremists…Twitter Emojis for 2016 Paralympic Games

Google Program to Deradicalize Jihadis Will Be Used for Right-Wing American Extremists Next  The Intercept by Naomi LaChance A Google-incubated program that has been targeting potential ISIS members with deradicalizing content will soon be used to target violent right-wing extremists in North America, a designer of the program said at an event at the Brookings Institution … Read more

Journalism agenda: “5 ways fake news websites are evolving….

5 ways fake news websites are evolving First Draft News by Craig Silverman It’s typically been fairly easy to describe what fake news websites are, and how they work: These sites publish stories that look and read like real news articles but are completely fake. They exist in order to earn money from ads. That description … Read more

As its Construction Lobby loses Olympic bid, AKP leadership begins its blaming rhetorics…

Let the blames begin; Yeni Safak accues Reuters of sabotaging Olympic bid by …showing the news? via @yenisafak ? Andrew Finkel (@FinkelAndrew) September 8, 2013   A long list of possible construction work planned for Turkey’s bid can be found here. From NYT piece:  For the International Olympic Committee, environmental concerns in Japan appeared … Read more

Tokyo wins, Istanbul loses… IOC’s 2020 Olympics decision…. Istanbul reaches the final round in IOC’s 2020 Olympics host city vote Istanbul and Tokyo reach the second round of IOC’s voting for the host city of the 2020 Olympics. Madrid was eliminated Armenian community members in Argentina protest against Istanbul 2020 bid Members of the Armenian community in Argentina protested over the presence Istanbul’s bid … Read more

A list of a few recent mistakes made by Turkish authorities: Racist wrestler, Bosphorus Bridge route change, wrongly assessed exam…

Turkish wrestler may face IOC probe for racist tweets Turkey?s Olympic medalist wrestler Rıza Kayaalp could face probes from the International Olympic Committee Controversy over third Bosphorus bridge?s route change A document on Istanbul‘s new bridge has stirred a debate on whether the route was miscalculated Turkish Education Ministry admits high school entrance exam results … Read more