Anthropology roundup: “anthropology, race & racism…Sexual Harassment in fieldwork… graeber in exile

Anthropologists and Ecological Research Last fall a group of anthropologists participated in the 2012 All Scientists Meeting (ASM) of the Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network in Estes Park, Colorado. They were there to make a case for integrating more anthropologists into the study of ecosystems. Read about their experience in Anthropology News. Below is … Read more

"AAA Provides Free Access to 85 Years of American Anthropologist and More….

2010 IUAES Inter-Congress in Turkey

from American Anthropological Association by Dinah

The Ahi Evran University dept. of anthropology has announced that the 2010 IUAES Inter-Congress will be held in Antalya, Turkey, October 3-6, 2010, with the theme: ?From the Crossroads of Civilizations: Understanding Cultural Diversity to Connect Societies.? The organizers note:

AAA Provides Free Access to 85 Years of American Anthropologist and More

from American Anthropological Association by Oona & Sharon

As part of our committment to broaden access to anthropological research, AAA is now providing free access to content from American Anthropologist, Anthropology News, Ethos, and PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review that published before 1974.

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"Web Ethnography

From The Savage Minds:

Web Ethnography

Cyborg Anthropologist Amber Case, tweeted the following great resource on digital ethnography: The Webnographer?s wiki has a ?mega list of books on digital ethnography.?


CEAUSSIC: Origin Story and Grand Finale

from American Anthropological Association by Brian

Prof. George Marcus

?The AAA?s Ad Hoc Commission on Anthropology?s Engagement with the Security and Intelligence Communities (CEAUSSIC) continues its work. Our main activities at present include: 1. the writing of a report to the AAA on the widely and hotly debated Human Terrain System of the U.S. Army, 2. The editing of a casebook illustrating the diversity of kinds of practicing anthropology, including associated ethical questions, with a primary emphasis upon the security sector broadly conceived, 3. And providing support for the AAA?s ongoing ethics process. In an effort to keep our work transparent and part of the public and disciplinary discussion of all of the above, CEAUSSIC is also going to be contributing a monthly entry to the AAA?s blog. Each entry, by different CEAUSSIC members, will address topics that have arisen or that we have been thinking about, which we will continue to discuss via the blog, a discussion in which we hope you will also participate.?

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"Digital Anthropology Report

This has been widely quoted in many anthro sites and let me put it here, too:)

Digital Anthropology Report: Attitudes to technology = basis of future class divides

by Lorenz

How do people in Britain use the internet? How do they behave online? The new Digital Anthropology Report. The Six Tribes of Homo Digitalis gives some answers.

The British communication company Talk Talk sent researchers from the University of Kent into the homes of people around the UK to ask them questions about their attitudes towards digital technology and to watch them use it. They also commissioned anthropology professor David Zeitlyn to analyse the findings.

International cartoon festival of yahootoonz (iran) 2009

International cartoon festival of yahootoonz (iran) 2009
Participation for all ages and nations is allowed…..

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"Top 25 Anthrosource Articles of 2009

Top 25 Anthrosource Articles of 2009: Preview to Two Months of Free Anthrosource Access

AAA and Wiley-Blackwell are pleased to announce that we will be offering two months of FREE ACCESS to 10+ years of Anthrosource content, during November and December 2009.anthrosource_logo_1

As a preview to this exciting offer we invite you to view the Top 25 Anthrosource Articles of 2009.

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Burqas and anthropologists

France asks anthropologist for advice on burqa-ban

by Lorenz

France banned burqas in public schools in 2004. Now, a parliamentary commission is investigating a possible ban on burqas in public places and anthropology professor John Bowen was asked to testify on this matter, Student Life and New York Times report.

And older round of anthro news and unrelated images from the web:

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