Literati roundup: A new book on Participatory culture… “Sci-Fi’s Hugo Awards and the Battle for Pop Culture’s Soul….

New book: Participatory Culture in a Networked Era by Henry Jenkins, Mimi Ito, and me!  apophenia In 2012, Henry Jenkins approached Mimi Ito and I with a crazy idea that he’d gotten from talking to the folks at Polity. Would we like to sit down and talk through our research and use that as the basis … Read more

I wonder what Scandinavians feel as Erdoğan’s Interior Minister believes that “Mixed-student apartments home to terrorist and illegal organizations

Since government’s delusional conservative politics do get domestic and global reactions, it now aims to use the “security” card. However, connections made are hard to hold logically, only the ideologically determined conservatives get them…. Mixed-student apartments home to terrorist and illegal organizations, interior minister says Muammer Güler brought another dimension to the debate on mixed-student housing, … Read more

Marc Pierini: Individual Freedoms in Turkey

Individual Freedoms in Turkey MARC PIERINI Turkey?s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) has witnessed economic success and launched major reforms, in particular writing a new constitution, negotiating with the Kurdistan Workers? Party, passing four judicial reform packages, and installing an ombudsman. In sharp contrast, the AKP?s exclusive reliance on its election victories for legitimacy … Read more