Anthropology roundup: “Decolonizing Anthropology…

8 Awesome Anthropologists Advancing Public Outreach Forbes It’s International Women’s Day, and I’ve seen an abundance of posts about the amazing pioneers in my field of anthropology. One that sticks out for many people is Margaret Mead, an all-around awesome anthropologist known for her research, museum work, … Anthropology without Villains: Kurt’s Vonnegut’s Master’s Degree in … Read more

Cyberculture agenda: “the Planned New Google and Apple Headquarters “Campuses” in Silicon Valley as Modern Digital Eden Projects…

Postmodernism Counterculture & the Planned New Google and Apple Headquarters “Campuses” in Silicon Valley as Modern Digital Eden Projects  EU Pundit by Andis Kaulins What do we make of the events in Europe? or in the USA? Are Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders inevitable products of an era dominated by a cultural evolution that is labeled … Read more