“Anthropology and Journalism: April AN Now Online

Now I see why my abstract to AN’s special issue was rejected. All giants of anthropology and journalism did chip in the special issue and i am not a giant for sure:)

Anthropology and Journalism: April AN Now Online

from American Anthropological Association by Dinah

April Anthropology News In Focus commentaries on anthropology and journalism are now posted on our Current Featured News page, free to the public throughout the month. Authors include S Elizabeth Bird, Dominic Boyer, Maria D Vesperi, Mark Allen Peterson, Shannon May, Barbara J King and Gary Feinman. Full issue content is available via AnthroSource, including additional thematic articles from other sections by contributors such as Mark Pedelty and Kathryn Graber.

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New book: The Anthropology of News and Journalism: Global Perspectives

Such a nice volume on the The Anthropology of News and Journalism has recently been released. Contributors are great scholars from the area of media anthropology. I could not get it yet, but it is in my immediate reading list ,of course…

Vale Dell Hymes roundup and more from the Anthro world…

We have lost another great anthropologist recently. I have already announced the news and here is a few more links about Prof. Dell Hymes. and more of other stuff below…

Vale Dell Hymes

from Savage Minds: Notes and Queries in Anthropology ? A Group Blog by Rex

As Kerim noted, Dell Hymes passed away. My connection to Hymes is tangential?mostly the odd personal connections that come with the small world of academics?and others will be able to memorialize him better than I. The passing of Hymes and Lévi-Strauss so closely together is sad but also offers a time for us to reflect on these academics, their legacies, and their different personal style. Lévi-Strauss loved culture and, at times, seemed almost traumatized that he was forced to study people in order to get at it. Hymes?s writings are equally scrupulous, but deeply honor human life and are dedicated to finding the beauty and complexity in the ephemeral moments of our speaking and story-telling. In 1968 Lévi-Strauss?s structures took to the streets. In 1972 Dell Hymes published Reinventing Anthropology.

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