KickassTorrents at the Dark Web: lsuzvpko6w6hzpnn.onion

KickassTorrents Enters The Dark Web, Adds Official Tor Address  TorrentFreak With millions of visitors per day KickassTorrents (KAT) is currently the mostvisited torrent site on the Internet. Uber vs. Europe continues: Two executives convicted in France  Mashable! A French court has convicted and fined Uber and two of its executives for deceptive commercial practices and illegal business … Read more

No country for low income citizens as low-income housing decreasing in Istanbul… Istanbul news roundup…

Luxury housing construction increasing, low-income housing decreasing in Istanbul There has been a dramatic rise in luxury housing production and stock in Istanbul, but the opposite is the case for lower-income housing due to skyrocketing land prices in the city, according to a new sector report. Rare Arabic-Language Bookstore Gives Istanbul’s Syrian Refugees A Taste Of … Read more