Mass arrests including journalists in Imamoğlu protests

Photojournalists of international organizations are arrested so that we cannot see what happens. But can they prevent reporting? Back to citizen journalism 101. In the meantime, I observed more motivation among the university students for further protests.   Several journalists were detained during the protests in Turkey following the arrest of Istanbul Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu. … Read more

CNN, fake news?

It appears that CNN’s report on freeing a Syrian prisoner has come under scrutiny, though the network denies fabricating the story. Here’s a summary of the situation: The Original Report CNN’s chief international correspondent Clarissa Ward and her team visited a prison in Damascus, Syria, on December 11, 2024, shortly after the fall of Bashar … Read more

A video: “What Happened to VICE Media? ($5.7B to Bankruptcy)”

From groundbreaking news to financial struggles, learn about VICE’s bankruptcy filing. If you were tuned to pop culture in the 2010s, then you know that it was impossible to escape Vice. No, we don’t mean drinking, drugs, and partying, though that’s going to come up later in this video, don’t worry. We mean Vice, the … Read more

CNN just whitewashed a Jihadist Leader

…because he is currently friendly to the some powers’ interests. Abu Mohammad al-Julani, the US’s Specially Designated Global Terrorist who used to run the now-dismantled Al-Nusra Front, al-Qaeda’s Syrian branch.…

CPJ’s 2024 Global #ImpunityIndex

CPJ’s 2024 Global #ImpunityIndex spotlights the 13 countries with the worst records for prosecuting the murderers of journalists targeted in connection to their work over the past 10 years. Here is the report Israel In the most dangerous and unprecedented war for journalists CPJ has ever recorded, Israel has killed at least 126 journalists and media workers, … Read more

A book chapter I co-authored: “Automated Journalism in Turkish Media Before the Rise of Generative AI”

Sena and I produced a piece we had worked on before into publishable material. It portrays AI in newsrooms just before the rise of Generative AI. You can read the pre-print version here. Here is the abstract for Azimli, S. O., & Saka, E. (2024). Automated Journalism in Turkish Media Before the Rise of Generative … Read more

“Content Creators and Journalists: Redefining News and Credibility in the Digital Age,” Knight Center and UNESCO publish e-book:

Bridging the gap between digital content creators and journalists: Knight Center and UNESCO publish pioneering e-book With 105 pages of interviews, research, first-hand accounts from news content creators like Dylan Page (aka News Daddy) and Kassy Cho (founder of Almost), illustrations and best practices, this unique open-access e-book published by the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas, in … Read more

The State of Fact-Checking: Key Takeaways from the Panel

The State of Fact-Checking: Key Takeaways from the Panel In the first panel of the POINT12, panelists covered the state of fact-checking. While these notes capture some critical discussions, it’s essential to acknowledge that the panel covered many more nuanced points and thought-provoking discussions, reflecting the complexity and urgency of the fact-checking mission. Angie Holan: … Read more

Google Bard explains “How is AI affecting revenue models in the media industry?”

A journalism student from a different university asked me questions and expected written answers for his graduation thesis. I told him if I answered all these questions in a written form, I would write an essay about it. Sometimes, I receive questionnaires like this, which demand a significant amount of time. Hopefully, he will interview … Read more

Haaretz (@haaretzcom) under attack

The right-wing political establishment threatens the pride of Israeli journalism, Haaretz. I find it a bit strange that the Israeli state has relied on crude misinformation and a few sane voices are under attack. Well, it is such a familiar story…

Government to abuse “disinformation” to arrest journalists

This was an expected outcome of the so-called disinformation law. I still believe that the government had enough in its arsenal to imprison the journalists without this law. However, it streamlines the process. Using a popular and anxiety-causing term/ pretext to criminalize and sentence people without much friction. It was not the first time disinformation … Read more

A repository of fact-checked and social media data on 2023 Israel–Hamas war

This GitHub repository corresponds to the dataset used for our research article titled Dataset for 2023 Israel–Hamas war. The repository contains fact-checked articles and social media posts about the 2023 Israel–Hamas war. The data is extracted through the AMUSED framework. The data is collected from 52 fact-checking websites in 26 languages. The sources used in this dataset (whose article count is more … Read more

MLSA Report released: “Journalism in Turkey”

MLSA has released the “Journalism in Turkey” report prepared within the scope of the “Action Plan on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity”. You can find the full report and further details here:   📌46/57 journalists indicated to have been physically attacked or threatened within the past five years. The rate of … Read more

Archiving the Work of Murdered Journalists…

The Delicate Race to Archive the Work of Murdered Journalists—Before It Disappears 157 journalists have been murdered in Mexico since 2000. Many ran self-funded blogs, websites, and Facebook pages. BY ALEJANDRA IBARRA CHAOUL JUNE 26, 202311:30 AM Summarized by Merlin app: Mexico is one of the deadliest countries for reporters in the world: Between 2000 and … Read more

2022 State of the Fact-Checkers Report released. Meta remains the biggest funding source

I wonder what happens when Meta cuts the funds, which is likely. Fact-checking organizations ramped up their budgets and diversified their focus in 2022, according to a new report that surveyed 93 verified signatories of the International Fact-Checking Network at Poynter. The 2022 State of the Fact-Checkers Report by the IFCN underscores a critical shift in budgets, … Read more