Towards 15th October… a roundup of protests from Occupy Wall Street to Greece…

15th october: #United we will re-invent the world | Just another Take The Square Sites site from Social Network Unionism by OrsanSenalp Via ? Mapping Social Network Unionism Worldwide On October 15th people from all over the world will take to the streets and squares. From America to Asia, from Africa to Europe, people … Read more

Occupy Wall Street. An American way of spring activism;) #occupywallstreet

PBS reporter jailed while covering “Occupy Wall Street” protests in NYC by Xeni Jardin While working on a story about citizen journalism at the Occupy Wall Street protests in New York for PBS affiliate WNET Thirteen, John Farley was arrested, along with the demonstrators whose stories he was covering. More than 700 anti-Wall Street protesters … Read more

In the mean time, massive demonstrations in Israel continue…

Tel Aviv rally (Photo: Moti Kimchi) via Israeli demonstrators protest cost of living from Hurriyet Dailynews by TEL AVIV – Agence France-Presse More than 20,000 Israelis demonstrated in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and other places across the country late on Saturday in fresh protests against the spiraling cost of living, media reports said. Why isn?t the … Read more