In Kars for a few days!

We, Sinem and I, have decided to celebrate the second anniversary of our marriage in Kars. Kars sounds magical, especially in winter. I have had my eyes on Kars since reading Orhan Pamuk’s Snow, which takes place in Kars. So far, Kars did not disappoint us at all, even though there is no snow! We also saw some snow on our road to Ani Ruins. By the way, I have seen images of Ani, particularly the Tigran Honentz Church, many times. But being there has a magical tone. I advise you to stop by! Kars has a Russian architectural heritage, has fantastic food, and is the capital of cheese making. We are happy to be here.

We, snow lovers.


And here is where I am writing this blog post before driving to Çıldır Lake.

Lobby at Qrista Managed By Dedeman



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